Control me.

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They could never control me.

I ran and ran and ran without looking back. My breath was racing, legs were aching and my heart felt like it was going to jump out of my chest and leave me to fall over and die. The rigid ground scratching my bare feet as I just ran. The screams and shouts of them behind me fuelled my energy. I couldn't go back, they couldn't control me.

They could never control me.

Their footsteps trailing behind me, my mind wandering. The voice was in my head. All it would say was 'run' so I did, I didn't stop, I couldn't stop. I wouldn't stop. Ahead of me, all forest, just trees, grass and dead flowers but what was behind me was worse. They were getting louder, the footsteps. I wanted to look back but if I did they would get me, control me.

They could never control me.

But the footsteps disappeared into the sound of the wind. Did they stop? Did they leave? I couldn't hear them anymore. I stopped thinking it was safe. I was wrong. A cold, harsh hand rested upon my shoulder squeezing it. They tricked me. And now they caught me. I knew they would end up controlling me.

They could control me.

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