☼ - Ep. 1

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Too confident...

In the heart of an abandoned warehouse, the dim light cast eerie shadows across the cracked concrete floor. Spider-Wan, clad in her sleek blue suit, moved stealthily, her senses attuned to the slightest sound or movement. She had received a tip about a major drug deal going down in this desolate place, and she was determined to put a stop to it.

As she crept closer, her heart raced with anticipation. She couldn't help but feel a touch of cockiness. Her agility and speed had carried her through countless battles, and she was confident in her abilities. A group of henchmen surrounded a table laden with bags of illicit substances. Their chatter filled the air.

Spider-Wan dropped from the ceiling, a silk thread gracefully guiding her descent. She landed in the midst of the surprised criminals, her mask concealing her identity.

"Surprise party, boys!" she quipped, her voice dripping with confidence.

The henchmen, taken aback by her sudden appearance, hesitated for a moment. But they quickly recovered, and one of them lunged at her with a baseball bat with a yell of fury. She avoid the first one, however as her foot slipped, the second swift and vicious strike that connected with Spider-Wan's side. She let out a grunt, pain flaring through her body as she staggered back, but she held her ground.

"Nice try," she groaned through clenched teeth, the cockiness waning as her bravado began to crumble. The room erupted into chaos as the criminals closed in on her. One of them, a burly figure, grabbed her by the shoulders and with tremendous force, hurled her across the room, "Oh sh-".

Wendy crashed into a stack of crates, the impact knocking the wind out of her. For a moment, she lay still, her cocky attitude replaced by gasps for air and a grim determination.

"Okay, that hurt," she whispered, pushing herself up with trembling arms. Her mask concealed the grimace of pain on her face. She knew she couldn't let her injury deter her. Her city depended on her, and she couldn't afford to falter.

Climbing to her feet, she fired her web-shooters, sending a barrage of webbing in all directions, immobilizing her foes. Her voice was absent now, replaced by a steely resolve as she fought through the pain, one punch and one kick at a time.

Amid the chaotic whirlwind of action, the young superhero resilience shone brightly. She spun her adversaries into a tangled web of helplessness, one by one, each of her well-aimed strikes and swift movements further proving her mettle.

As the final henchman succumbed to her webbing, she couldn't help but let out a triumphant sight. Her voice had regained some of its earlier mood, and she flashed a confident grin behind her mask.

However, in her moment of triumph, she hadn't noticed one last individual, a wiry, tattooed thug who had managed to slip away from her initial web attack. With a swift, unexpected movement, he lunged at her, his fist connecting with her cheek. The force of the blow spun Wendy around, and she staggered back, her head throbbing from the impact.

She touched a gloved hand to her mask-covered face, feeling a sharp pain where the punch had landed. Her grin crumbled, replaced by a grimace hidden beneath her mask. The henchman took a step back, surprise flickering in his eyes as he realized he had actually managed to land a hit on the famed Spider-Wan's.

Wendy's vision swam momentarily, but she couldn't afford to be stunned for long. Her voice, though somewhat strained, held a new kind of resolve as she said, "Okay, let me show you how it's done."

Her movements were agile and calculated, a testament to her unwavering dedication. She skillfully delivered a series of blows, leaving her assailant no room to counter. In the end, he crumpled to the ground, defeated.

As the last of her foes lay incapacitated, Spider-Girl stood victorious, the pain in her face a reminder of the risks she faced in her dual life. The city was safe once more, thanks to the courage and determination of a young girl.


The adrenaline still coursing through her veins, Spider-Wan stumbled away from the scene of the takedown. Her side throbbed painfully, and her cheek ached from the unanticipated punch she had received. She needed to retreat to her sanctuary.

Limping and wincing with every step, Wendy made her way back to her small apartment. She knew she couldn't use the front door; her secret had to remain hidden. Instead, she ascended the fire escape with slow, deliberate movements, the cool night air stinging the exposed skin on her face.

As she clambered through her open window, her movements were not as graceful as usual. She landed inside her apartment with a soft thud, the impact reverberating through her injured side. She clenched her ribs, gritting her teeth against the pain stiffling a groan.

With great effort, she pulled herself to a sitting position,  Wendy's gloved hands went straight to her mask, and with trembling fingers, she pulled it free. Her messy coconut-style hair spilled over her forehead as she shake her head, and she touched a finger to her split lip, wincing as it came away smeared with crimson. Despite the pain, there was a glimmer of determination in her eyes.

"Good one, Seung-wan," she said to herself, her voice holding a touch of self-deprecating humor. She was nothing if not kind and organized, traits that kept her grounded in the midst of her extraordinary life. Even as a superhero, she remained a normal teenager, complete with teenage clumsiness and vulnerability.

With a soft groan, she made her way to the bathroom. The harsh fluorescent light revealed her reflection in the mirror. Her side was bruised and swollen, a testament to the ferocity of the punch she had taken. Her lip was split, and her face bore the signs of the fierce battle she had fought.

As she examined herself, Wendy couldn't help but smile wryly, bloodied lip and all. "Well, Wendy, it seems you've had better days," she muttered to herself, her reflection echoing her own humor. She gently dabbed her bloody lip with a cloth, trying to stanch the bleeding. Her side still throbbed, but she couldn't help but see the positive side of things; she was alive, and the city was safer for her efforts, even if was just a small change.

In her small apartment, she hobbled to the kitchen, reaching for a bag of frozen vegetables. The coldness seeped through her suit as she pressed it to her throbbing side, she leaned heavily on the counter, her head hung low, trying to catch her breath and gather her thoughts. She couldn't help but let out a relieved sigh.

She might be Spider-Wan, but in this small apartment, she was simply Son Seung-wan, a teenager doing her best to navigate the extraordinary alongside the ordinary.

Well this might be interesting...

A spider mess || Wendy AU (wenrene)Where stories live. Discover now