Eps 7

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After a whole week of namjoon not coming home and yes ATEEZ did visit him A lot time to make sure if he is oaky bring him good but teahyung and jungkook tried to go to his houses cause they fallow ateez but everytime they want to see him he always reject them they started to thing namjoon dosen't want them anymore but that's wrong cusse joonie dose want to go back but he wants to be free and do whatever he wants without having to ask if he can go out wish he dosen't want that especially if he can't hang out with ateez but today everything is going to change ATEEZ will be there for Joonie when jungkook and teahyung comes to his house
Hoongjoong:Joonie are you okay (looks at him in concer)
Joon:not really kinda of nervous I don't want to lose you guys I love you guys so mush I love them too but idk (feels more nervous then before )
Hoongjoong: he-(before he could of speak more the bell rang )
Joon:coming!!!! (Gose up to the nervous) I can do this (opens door)
Teahyung;Joonie hi (smiles)
Joonie: hi (smiles a little)
Joonie:guys they are here
San just staire at jungkook in hateful he is still mad from the day
Seongwha:hello we meet again(serous voice)
Jungkook:yes we do (serous voices too wish a death stare) so Joonie you made up your mind huh (smirks)
Joonie:not really and don't be so confident sir okay there are some rules I'm going to make if you don't expect then to bad to sad I'm not going with you guys (smiles while smirks ) okay let's start first I don't need your permission to go out and I can wear whatever I want when and were and I can go out with ATEEZ whatever I want what matter what if you don't like it to bad AND I don't have to have sex when you are horny ass wants to if you want to have sex be welcome to the club but not me okay that's all (smiles and sit in San laps on purpose)
Jungkook:oh really I expected it (smirks while being more angry that namjoon sting in San laps)
Teahyung:me too(smiles trying his best not to show jealousy)
Joon:good and just letting you beautiful is boring so don't worry if someone call me that cusse I rather be called sexy (smiles and leaves to go change)
San:if I see you again making him cry I wll make sure you end up in coma (puts his fist together)
Few minutes later
This is Joonie oufit

After a whole week of namjoon not coming home and yes ATEEZ did visit him A lot time to make sure if he is oaky bring him good but teahyung and  jungkook tried to go to his houses cause they fallow ateez but everytime they want to see him he alway...

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Joonie:I'm ready to go (walks downstairs while smirking at the boy's reaction)
Jungkook:wow my baby is so sexy to bad no one can have you (smirks and look everyone)
Joonie:aw bae let me go get my bags there in the floor (bends down grabs them ) oaky let's go and ATEEZ thank you again (gose up to them and hug them ) bye (blow kisses and winking)
The whole was quit but mamjoon borke the salients
Joon:oh and one more thing I forgot to tell you if you ever become mad cause I'm hang out with ATEEZ i wll officially leave you with San your biggest enemy (lies on the San part just to make them mad)
Jungkook want to destroy Joonie but of that stupid rule he can't so he have to hold it in and we'll teahyung he is peacefully that he finlly have Joonie he really miss joonie smiles and laughs he dosen't really care of that stupid rule he doesn't bother he just happy to see him
Teahyung:Joonie can I aleast cuddle with you and kiss you good night kisses
Joonie: of course duh I love those (smiles and kiss tea in the check) of and I forgot to tell you joonie is siting in the back cuase jungkook doesn't want nobody to see him in his sexy outfit
2 hours later
They finally made it home joonie went straight to the living room and lay there
Jungkook:so uh what do you want to do first huh
Joonie:chill duh can you see that are you stupid (rolls eyes)
Jungkook pov
I swear he is giving be on my nerves with his attitude I want to fuck him so bad but that rule the stupid rule he made I have to hold it in one day I'm gonna break the rule and I'm going to fuck him so bad that he won't able to walk for a whole month and he will beg to stop just watch KIM NAMJOON just watch you slut
End of jk pov
Namjoon pov
Ha I got them so good and I know you want me so bad jeon jungkook but to bad let's see how long you are going to handle your horny ass and I know you were jealous when I was siting in San laps you wish that was you I'm glad I bought my sexy outfits from my home to make him more horny let's the games start
End of jooon pov
After a long day of namjoon teasing them he went straight to his room and took a nice shower while playing music and jamming in the shower
Few hours later
After a lovey long shower namjoon got his nice clothes to sleep in

Joonie:I'm ready to go (walks downstairs while smirking at the boy's reaction)Jungkook:wow my baby is so sexy to bad no one can have you (smirks and look everyone)Joonie:aw bae let me go get my bags there in the floor (bends down grabs them ) oaky...

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(I love the color it's cute )
After he changed he did his hair a bit messy cause well duh he is going to sleep after that he went straight to his room and yes he is nothing going to share a room with them cause for fun to make them more mad
Joonie:ah such a good day and my lovely bed can't wait for tomorrow (smiles and gose to his phone and watch videos)

My jealousy boyfriends (bottom namjoon)  taenamkook Where stories live. Discover now