{ Goodbye dear city of Hyrdo }

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*Heya this is my first proper fanfic so excuse how shit it is lmao!! The characters might not be accurate!*

"Oh my lady, my queen..
                I will serve until I die.."

After archaic events of Fontaine have finally concluded with the dramatic trial as promised by late goddess of Judgement.
All was finally put to rest and everyone had begun to settle back down into their normal lives.

As every ending does happen, it was also time for a certain blonde traveller and his emergency rations to leave for the Nation of War.

The two walked the streets of Fonatine until the came across in a street performance, it had captivated quite some people. Even Lyney and Lynette were interested, heck even Charlotte was invested. She even put her Kamera down.

"Woah..Paimon wonders what's happening over there! Let's go see traveller!"

A high-pitched floating fairy said curiously to the blonde boy. As they walked closer to the crowd, they saw some familiar faces.
Paimon floated up and down to try and get a glimpse of the mysterious singer. It almost reminded her of the Anemo.

"Figures dancing gracefully,              across my memory~"

A soft singing voice sung, as the duo got closer the the front. They finally knew who was singing, it was a young girl. She looked around just around 14, her light blonde hair in two messy pigtails with a white headband with a golden star shaped ribbon on the end.

Her eyes were ocean blue and had two star like pupils with little to no light inside them.
As for clothes she had a dark teal ruffled dress with greyish white socks and mary Janes, her hands covered with pail white gloves.

As the performance continued, Paimon felt herself swaying from side to side, she was enjoying the music and the girls gentle singing Voice.
Aether watched in curiosity but also suspicion, he couldn't deny her singing was calming but he felt like theres was more meaning to what she was simging.

Finally the song had finished and the crowd had calmed down and gone back to their regular business, the floating fairy had noticed Lyney and Lynette staring the girl as if they were competitors.
Paimon turned to Aether before pointing the duo magicians out

"Hey look, It's Lyney and Lynette! Let's go say hi!"
The child said cheerfully as the two walked over towards them.
As they approached the duo magicians turned and noticed their presence as if they already knew.

"Hi Lyney! Hi Lynette! Were you two also watching this performance?"

She begun waving, she had a happy smile on her face as she awaited answer from the duo.

"Why of course, who wouldn't want to see such talent?"
Lyney began, his tone laced with that weird romantic stuff he does sometimes.

"She had stolen our audience, how  could we not?"
Lynette replied bluntly, holding a tea cup and stirring it with a tea spoon as she spoke.

"Lynette-! What she means is..well essentially yes. This little girl had captivated our dear audience before we could even begin our show!"

The magician admitted, sighing in defeat at his beloved sister's words as they were in fact the truth.

"Paimon had a feeling you'd say that..hm traveller what do you think?"

Paimon suddenly asked, catching Aether off guard for a moment as she turned to face him.

What will you say dear player?

A. Lets ask the girl herself.

B. Why are you asking me that all of a sudden?!

C. Let's head over and ask the star of the show herself!

[Any option will change the plotline slightly so choose wisely lol]

   Goodbye dear nation of Hyrdo..
               QUEST FINSIHED
         A meeting meant for two
              QUEST STARTED
- this is my first official fanfic
- there will be choices for this for the story to progress btw similar to the travellers thingy
- this chapter isn't finished, I just want feedback lol
-my oc will be introduced I promise!
-sorry if I suck at making the characters act cannon, I'll try my best to make them act like cannon!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 17 ⏰

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{ A Song yet to be sung } Genshin Impact FanficWhere stories live. Discover now