Chapter 3 - Lost in distraction

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The past few days are filled with an unrelenting distraction. I can't escape the specter of 'Light' and its potential misuse, but I have to balance this burden with the responsibilities that come with my position at Venus Biotech.

I decided its best to keep working, so i am heading back to the lab. at least the confrontation with Jared and Emma had brought some resolution to the 'Light' conflict. Perhaps they had understood the severity of the situation and decided to halt any further developments. i had gotten a call that because me and Mike dont agree to the sell, it will be stopped.

as i reach the facility Mike approaches me and in a whisper tells me that Emma Venus herself requests a meeting. My stomach churns with anxiety as I contemplate what she might want to discuss.


As I enter her office, Emma sits behind her imposing desk, her fingers steepled in front of her. Her eyes bore into mine, expectation in her gaze. The air is thick with tension as she begins to speak.

"Jane," she says, her tone measured. "I've been thinking about 'Light.' The potential it holds is remarkable, but it's also a significant risk."

I nod in agreement, my suspicion growing with her statement.

She continues, "I've decided that we need to delve deeper into this project. We must understand 'Light' more comprehensively. We can't let this opportunity slip through our fingers."

My heart sinks as the severity of her words sinks in. I had hoped that the virus would remain dormant, its secrets left undiscovered. But Emma's intentions are clear – she wants more research on 'Light.' The very thought sends shivers down my spine, knowing the risks involved.

"Emma," I begin cautiously, "we've already seen the consequences of our actions. 'Light' is far from being a controllable entity. More research could lead to further complications, and it poses a significant danger to both our team and the world at large."

She regards me with a cool and calculated gaze. "Jane, I understand your concerns, but the potential benefits are substantial. We need to harness the power of 'Light,' and we must take calculated risks to do so."

The tension in the room is palpable as I contemplate my response. Emma's determination is unwavering, and she holds the power to push this project forward, whether I agree or not.

I know that I can't let my creation fall into the wrong hands, but I also can't deny the allure of a potential medical breakthrough. The conflict between the ethical scientist in me and the dread of potential consequences rages on.

With a heavy heart, I reply, "I will do more research, Emma, but we must proceed with utmost caution. We can't afford to make any more mistakes."

I also know if i refuse, its ground for a breach in my work contract and i can be fired without any rights to my experiments. which is probably why she suggested such nonsense. in this way i at least have some say, and control.

Emma's expression reveals a hint of satisfaction as I reluctantly agree. Our path forward is uncertain, and I can't help but fear the unknown consequences of continuing to probe the enigma of 'Light.' The thought of what might happen if this virus grows stronger sends a chill down my spine.

As I turn to leave her office, Emma takes a breath and starts talking, her tone laced with subtle threat, "I was thinking, is it possible to make the virus mutate, make it even grow and stronger in certain cases? After all, you need to satisfy the facility's needs," she smirks, fully aware that her request is veiled in manipulation, pushing me closer to the edge.

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