Rules (to all rps in this book)

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1. No OP characters. If you want an OP character, sorry, but your never getting one is this rp book.
2. Don't hate the person, hate the OC.
3. This is a place where LGBTQIA+ people are allowed. Why? Because I want everyone to feel safe in here (by here I mean this book.)
4. Absolutely NO bullying at all. Bulling is unkind and will lead to all of your comments on this book being deleted. (These rules are starting to sound like school rules.)
5. Make sure you are active in this rp. If you don't respond in at least a week, I'll tag you. If you aren't going to be able to respond for a while, let me know first. (Unless you're dead, then you can't.)
6. Remember to make you responses at least 3 complete sentences.
7. I do not play as your OC's crush. (Unless your OC's crush is my OC, because then I can't play as my OC.)

Side note (READ THIS): This a group roleplay, if you want it to be just me and you to rp, make sure to tell me first.

Ok that's all now have fun!

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