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V wakes up. She had slept more than she used to. J did take a lot of energy, and that dent on her face really hurt. Seems like falling from the stairs could really be dangerous, huh?

She still had some time. V could miss class today, she had the reasons to, but if she did that she wouldn't meet N, wich was a priority of all school days. V hated saturdays and sundays because of that. It was hard to see N in those days, since he would spend time with his stupid sister.

She got ready and left, leaning on the same wall she always did. Soon the others came, talking the same boring things. Nothing new for V.

She then saw her sunshine, but not the way she expected, it was dimmer, something happened. She ran to him.

"Hey N! ANything wrong. You don't look so good" N looked at V and his eyes hollowed, taking a step back. V noticed this and stopped on her tracks. What was that reaction? N never acted that way towards her, what changed now?

"S-Sorry V, but I have to go" N said, quickly passing by her "Sorry again, but it's really important" N ran inside the school. V didn't move, she didn't know what to do. He never acted like this so why? V's core started to hurt, tears formed on her visor. She clutched her chest. It hurt a lot.

During class N gave V some glares, but V wasn't happy about that. Those glares were not happy, but terrified. He was terrified of her. Why? What happened? Was it J? That witch certainly did something, she wouldn't just die like that would she?

The door of the classrom was open, revealing a female with purple hair. She wore a detective's coat from 80's films and had a mug with a magnifying glass decorated in it.

"Hello students! Sorry teacher, but I'll have to interrupt you class" She said with a smile in her face.

"Sure, go ahead. There's only one student that has the slight chance of succeding here" He said while leaning on his chair.

"Okay. So, everyone knows about the recent murders that have been happeneing right?" Everyone nods. N looks at V with that same look. V's core skips a beat. He did know. That witch did tell him. She should've tortured that bitch more "Because of them. The school is going to be closed and everyone is going to have a little talk with me and other cops, understood?" The class nodded "Good. You all will stay in your classes with someone looking out for you. We'll call every single one of you to give a testimony" She walked out of the classroom and a cop entered it.

V was going insane. N knew she was the murderer, and judging by how he has been acting, he surely is going to tell it's her. Fuck, what would she do? Even if she told the guards her resoning she would be taken away from N. This primates couldn't even understand her motives. V raised her hand.

"What is it girl?" The cop asked. V got up, looking down, hiding her face.

"Can I go to the bathroom?" She asked in a soft voice, while pointing to her private parts. The gurad eyes hollowed.

"U-Uh, sure, go on, but come back quick" V nodded and got a little bag from her bag. She quickly made her way to the woman's bathroom.

In the bathroom V took a strange object and put on her pocket. She then took a screwdriver out and got up on the sink, using it to reach a vent in the ceiling. She opened the vent and got inside. She knew the layout of the vent system, since she was thinking on using it to hide things, in case she needed. V made her way to one of the storages, specifically, the one where the film recordings, from the cinema club, were kept. V knew the club kept some achool hidden here, as they constantly throwed parties in this room while watching films. She found the bottles behind a box. She sprayed achool everywhere and entered the vent, throwing a lighter down as she made her way back to the bathroom.

V arrived back at the class and thanked the guard, making her way to her seat. N gave a scared look, that hurt just as much as the first one he gave her this morning. Soon they heard the alarm of the school go off. A cop came in through the door.

"EVERYONE, MAKE LINES, WE'RE GETTING OUT OF THE SCHOOL!" The cop screamed. Everyone quickly made a line, N making sure to be as far from V as possible, and made their way outside of the school. In the entrance they could see that the school was on fire. Everyone got away from the school, while the cops simply looked at it, waiting for the fireman to arrive.

V sees that same drone that stopped class earlier, she seemed like the boss of the investigation. Nori was entering a tent the police put there. V checked her pocket and walked to her. Nori was cursing under her breath, she suspected the killer to do something, but not set the school on fire. She saw a girl going up to her.

"You all will be sent to the police departement so you can talk, so don't worry" Nori said, not looking at V, who took her hands out of her pocket and got closer. V looked around.

"Can I talk to you now? I think I have a suspect" V whispered. Nori sighed.

"Kid, do you have any proof?"

"No, but she is part of the science team, has been caught with a knife in her backback and is bullied" Nori put her hand on her chin.

"I can see why. Tell me the name"

"Emily. Little girl with blue hair and glasses" Nori took a notepad from her pocket and wrote her name.

"Noted. You can go now"

"Can I go home?" Nori started thinking.

"Yeah sure you can. Have a good night" Nori waved.

"You too" Said V, while waving and going out.

V walked out of the tent and looked around. Her classmates were talking with the other students. They didn't seem to notice her, so she quickly made her way out of there. She started to go to her house. Feeling trouble on her breathing. It seems that gas was faster then she thought. She had to be quick, otherwise everything would be in vain. She arrived at her house and ran to her room. There she took a special breathing eqquipament, she had bought if anything happened to N, and placed it on her. V layed on bed and started to breath heavily. It hurt, it hurt a lot, but it was worth it. She can't have anyone on her way and she needed more time to prepare for the police, but most importantly, to think on what she was going to do about N.

Nori was looking at Emily's files. Even though she had everything to be a killer, her psychiatrist test showed that she was a normal girl, nothing wrong. Nori was frustated, but she would have done this sooner or later. She took a deep breath and had trouble doing so. She started to feel pain when breathing. Nori thought this was strange, until she started to cough and spill oil. She tried calling someone, but her voice failed. It hurt to even try to talk.

Nori started to panic. She got up and she felt the world tramble. She fell to the ground, but didn't feel pain. Her vision started too get blurry and breathing was getting harder and harder. She tried to breath more, to breath harder, but nothing, it would hurt, but achieve nothing. Nori then understood what happened. That girl, she did this, didn't she?

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