Part 1.

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Shane Walsh's grip tightened on the steering wheel, his knuckles white against the worn leather. He found a semblance of calm in the purring engine of the car, a rhythmic drone that drowned out the chaos beyond the windshield. The world outside was a nightmare, a grotesque parody of what it once was, but in here, it felt almost normal.

His gaze flicked to the rearview mirror, catching sight of the RV following closely behind. Rick, his best friend, was back with them, driving the RV, a sight he'd never thought he'd see again. Lori and Carl were with him, their family complete once more. Yet, something wasn't right. The glance Lori had given him before they set off was filled with a mix of relief, confusion, and something akin to jealousy. Their unspoken bond, formed in the throes of despair and loneliness, now hung between them like a silent specter.

Suddenly, a figure on the side of the road snapped him back to reality. A lone woman, clad in torn skinny jeans and a crop top. Despite the state of her clothes, there was an unmistakable air of defiance about her. She looked like she had been through hell, but she was standing tall, a testament to her will to survive.

Shane pulled up beside her, rolling down his window. "Name's Shane," he introduced himself, his tone cautious but friendly. "You alright, Miss?"

She eyed him warily, her expression guarded. "Y/N," she replied and despite her obvious skepticism, he could hear a note of relief in her voice. "I've been better."

A small, rueful smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. "Haven't we all?"

He radioed Rick in the RV, informing him of their new addition. Despite the initial shock, the group accepted her. But Y/N remained skeptical, her survival instincts keeping her on high alert. She became a silent observer, watching their interactions with a discerning eye.

Shane found himself drawn to her strength and resilience, her defiant spirit a beacon of hope in the grim reality they were living in. But he also knew he had to tread carefully. Lori's gaze was often on him, her emotions a turbulent mix of relief, jealousy, and unspoken guilt. Their past affair hung between them like a ticking time bomb, threatening to shatter the fragile peace they had managed to find.

As night fell, Shane found himself climbing onto the roof of the car, seeking solace in the silence of the night. He was joined by Y/N, her presence a quiet comfort. They sat in companionable silence, their shared understanding a balm for their troubled minds.

The night deepened, stars becoming brighter as the moon climbed higher in the sky. Y/N had fallen asleep on the roof of the car, her steady breaths a comforting rhythm. Shane watched her sleep, her face softened in the moonlight, a picture of tranquility amidst the chaos.

Eventually, he gathered the strength to lift her, her head resting against his chest. As he carefully climbed down from the car roof, he couldn't help but feel a strange sense of protectiveness. He carried her to the campfire, laying her gently on a sleeping bag. Her brows furrowed for a moment before she settled again, her body curling instinctively towards the warmth of the fire.

As he rose, he found himself locked in a gaze with Lori. Her face was a mask of conflicted emotions, the flickering firelight casting stark shadows over her features. "We need to talk," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Shane followed her into the woods, each step echoing ominously in the quiet night. Once they were far enough from the camp, Lori turned to face him, her arms crossed defensively over her chest.

"Why is she here, Shane?" she asked, her voice thick with accusation.

"She's a survivor, Lori. Just like us," Shane replied calmly, trying to keep his frustration in check.

"But you brought her in. You're the one who's looking after her," Lori retorted, her eyes flashing with bitterness.

Shane sighed heavily, running a hand through his hair. "Lori, you're reading too much into this. She needed our help. That's all."

"Is it?" Lori challenged, her gaze unwavering.

A surge of frustration coursed through Shane. He was tired - tired of the unspoken tension, the guilt, the mistrust. "What do you want from me, Lori?" he asked, his voice weary. "Rick's back. He's safe. And yet, here you are, questioning my every move, acting as if..."

"As if what?" Lori shot back, her voice trembling.

"As if your an entitled b*tch," Shane said, the words hanging heavy in the air between them.

Lori recoiled as if slapped, her eyes wide with shock. "I am not..."

"Yes, Lori, you are," Shane interrupted, his voice firm. "Rick's back, and all you've done is question my actions, my intentions. You're so caught up in your jealous act that you're not even happy he's safe."

Lori was silent, her eyes glistening in the moonlight. Finally, she whispered, "I don't know how to handle this, Shane."

Neither did he. But they had to, for the sake of the group, for the sake of Rick. "We need to move on, Lori," Shane said, his voice soft. "For all our sakes."

With that, he turned and walked away, leaving Lori alone in the moonlit woods. As he returned to the campfire, he looked at Y/N, sleeping peacefully by the fire, and Rick, watching over his family in the RV. This was their reality now, and they had to navigate it, one day at a time.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2023 ⏰

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