It's raining blood.

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Burt smiled wearing a Christmas Shirt and drinking a Cup of coffee, tieing the last gift. "I hate Christmas!" He said Walking down the stairs, then Jerry Comes in sing about some crap!

Everyone had a phone or tablet to ingore jerry. "Um, Merry Christmas? Helloooo? My parents are coming over for the first time in years! Can we stow the gadgets and look alive?"

Beth answered. "Look alive? for your parents?" Burt just watched Jerry take beths tablet and imagine the same being done with little girl beth, Jerry would had his skull crushed with that stocking.

"Nice one." Jerry said and continued to take morties

"Hey man!" beth told jerry and burt rolled his eyes at the man of the house.

"You 'hey man'! This holiday is about humanity." Burt rolled his eyes

Morty didn't take from his tablet. "You know, I thought it was about being born half-God or something.

Jerry looked at them "Okay, whatever. All electronic items are going in the stocking. Now." They as said only summer didn't do it.

Summer looked at Jerry. "Dad, I'm not giving you my phone. "

Jerry smirked. "Put it in the stocking, Summer, or I'm joining Facebook." Summer gasp and threw the phone in.

"Bur-" He threw his Plasma Canon in silencing the man.

The a second later Rick came her with ruben. "Ho ho ho, everybody!"

Burt looked shocked. "Ruben? Dad you explain I will get him in to the Garage." Burt guided Ruben to the Garage then sedated him, Placed him on a ping pong table and undressed him. Rick came closing the door behind him. "I checked him last month why bring him here?!" Burt yelled scanning ruben. "What the-"

Rick nodded. "Yea L-LOOks bad doesn't it?" Burt nodded. "Xenon sent a disgress call and H-He said something went wrong." Burt nodded looking at the Scans.

"There are multiple viruses and plagues in here, any of them could be the cause." They both looked at each other and said.

"NOT IT!" Then rick sighed leaving the Garage. "Morty! A moment of your time?" Ruben started getting into fits and burt injected more Tranquilizer into him.

"There ruben there, just sleep."

"Aw geez, Rick! What did you two do?" Burt was too concentrated on getting ruben to breath to care.

Rick looked offended. "Gee, thanks Morty. What kind of monster do you think I am? W-We're sittin' here trying to save the guy's life!" He puts a backpack on him attaches it a helmet before forcing it onto marties head. " Look, I-I don't have time for you to wrap your little walnut around everything." He pulled morty to the shrink ray and plugs it in. "Hold your breath until the process is over or your lungs will collapse."

"W-What proc-" Morty shrinks and shrieks. Rick takes the the contianer and burt injects it into ruben.

Beth came in looking around. "Hey have you seen morty?"

Burt and rick said at the same time. "He's busy."

Both put on a head sets. "I hope his lungs didn't collapse."

Rick spoke into the mic. "Morty, can you hear me? Head North!"

"Rick... Where am I?"

Burt spoke intot the mic. "Depending on my aim, the south entrance or the women bathroom."

"The entrance to what?" Morty asked Walking

"Welcome, Morty. Welcome... "Morty gasps seeing the park." Anatomy Park!" Rick finished.

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