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Dinner had been perfect. As they rode in the hotel elevator to the 9th floor Stevie thought about the evening they had spent together. They had probably talked more tonight than they had when they were a couple. The grind of working two jobs while still spending time on their music had been exhausting and back then communication about anything else had been in short supply.

Tonight Lindsey had been charming. He had shown genuine interest in her, listening with his head propped on one hand as she talked animatedly about her family, her job at Oak Park High, her art and her friends. Despite the constant murmurs and looks from other tables, he only had eyes for her. He had asked her about her music and she had reluctantly shared that she still wrote and played every week with a local band after work.

As the conversation flowed, Stevie felt herself being drawn in, laughing over the time he put the electric skillet on the grill, reminiscing over how she had lovingly sowed hearts onto his jeans. She was relieved that underneath the rock star glitz he was still just the dorky kid from the Bay Area that she had fallen for years ago. She was trying to keep her distance, but he was making it so hard for her, every sweet memory melting her heart a little more.

When the elevator doors glided open  with a soft thud, Stevie glanced up at Lindsey's bright face, his eyes gleaming as they bore into hers.  She  had already made up her mind what she wanted. Did he want the same thing?


Lindsey stepped out of the elevator, reaching for Stevie's hand. She put her hand in his and allowed him to lead her down the narrow corridor with its gold embossed wallpaper, her heels sinking into the plush carpet. He stopped outside his door.

"Do you want me to walk you to your room?" He paused and looked down  into her dark eyes, his gaze burning, "Or do you want to come in?"

Her eyes widened and she reached out slowly to put her other hand on his chest as she raised her face to his. She was standing so close she could smell the woody musk of his aftershave.  "I want to see your world Lindsey."

He opened the door and silently pulled her in. Gently he reached down and stroked her face, now a little flushed from dinner. Her makeup was a little worn too, but everything about her was perfect to him.

Their lips touched softly before  parting, allowing their kisses to become more intense. His hands caressed her, feeling the silkiness of her exposed skin and rubbing gentle circles below the back of her red dress.

Stevie pulled herself against him, their bodies instinctively seeking more contact. Her hand pressed between them as she reached down against his firm torso to feel his warm skin against hers, his hardness pressing into her.

"We need to have less clothes" she breathed huskily.

Lindsey looked down, his face earnest  "are you sure this is what you want?"

Stevie wrestled with her feelings, she knew she wanted him but she had no idea where this would end up. Was it just a one night thing, a nostalgic romp for old times sake? Or was it something more? Stevie didn't know, but she did know she had missed him, missed this, more than she would ever admit to anyone, even herself.

"Yes" she answered, as their lips met again, this time their blazing passions driving them as they stumbled toward the bed, each totally consumed with the other.


Lindsey awoke first. Last night had been everything he had dreamed of. They had made love until first light, reconnecting, their bodies and souls rejoining with a muscle memory that had renewed the bond they had always shared. A awestruck smile spread across his face as he watched Stevie sleeping next to him, the sheets gently rising and falling with each slow breath. 

A happy anticipation grew inside him as he relaxed in the bed and thought about all the things they would do together now they were reconciled. He had wanted this for so long! While they hadn't exactly discussed it, he knew he didn't want her to go back to San Fran. He had to catch up with the band today and continue on with the tour,  but he wanted her by his side. He wasn't sure about the practicalities but he knew he could make it happen, that was one of the benefits of being a rock star, right?

Just then his gleeful thoughts and plans were interrupted by a sharp clatter at the door. It sounded like someone was struggling to open it. Jumping up he pulled on the white hotel robe, disturbing Stevie, who groaned as she felt him roll away from her. He didn't remember ordering room service, maybe Tony had arranged it?

Running to the door, he was just about to open it, when it was pushed back with a jolt.

In its place, Kristen stood, looking up at him with a broad smile, then jumping into his arms and kissing him hard on the lips.

"Surprise! I fetched your jeans, all neatly pressed" Kristen thrust a package at him. "But I rushed back as I know how much you miss me, sweetie,
when you're out on the road."

"Lindsey, who is it?" Stevie's sleepy voice caused Kristen to stop abruptly and step around him, seeing Stevie for the first time, lying in his bed, clearly naked below the twisted white sheets.

"Oh my god, Lindsey. Who the fuck is that? I was only gone a couple of days and you've already boned some groupie!" Her voice rose with each word.

She stepped forward, turning her icy glare on Stevie, "You can go now, just put your clothes back on and toddle off to your next mark!"

"What the hell? Who the fuck are you?" Stevie spat, her voice gravelly with sleep,  and doubly riled at being  verbally attacked and having her rest disturbed.

"I'm his girlfriend! Whatever you were offering he doesn't need it now I'm here, so just grab your things and get out!" Kristen screamed, the veins on her forehead showing purple though her pale skin.

Lindsey was frozen to the spot as this nightmare played out before him, his legs felt like concrete and his throat constricted. He couldn't speak. Why hadn't he thought about Kristen? Why hadn't he just ended it with her instead of sending her away on a wild goose chase? Why didn't he end it now?

Stevie's mind was spinning. His girlfriend! Was this real? One look at Lindsey's stricken face told her it was. How stupid could she be! She had been so caught up in reconnecting with him,  blinded by the thrill of seeing him in this glamorous new world he lived in, the energy of the show, the flattery of his attention, that she hadn't even thought he might not be single. Why hadn't he mentioned he had a girlfriend? Well of course, she thought bitterly, it was obvious why!

Pulling the sheet around her she got up quickly, gathered her clothes where they had landed at the side of the bed and made her way to the door, trying in vain to control her tumbling emotions and keep some dignity, while Kristen continued to glare. She passed by Lindsey's frozen frame, "You asshole" she sputtered, trying but failing to slam the door behind her as she snuck back to her room, praying she didn't meet anyone in the corridor clad only in a hotel sheet.

Lindsey was still rooted to the spot, the color drained from his face as all his plans shattered. He needed to do something!  He needed to follow Stevie and explain that his thing with Kristen was only casual, they weren't committed!  But even in his own head that sounded weak. Stevie would probably refuse to speak to him and even if she did, their nascent affair would be over. Stevie had left him once before,  could he really scorch the safe relationship he had with Kristen for Stevie, when he didn't even know where he stood with her? Where would that leave him if she rejected him again?

His thoughts continued to churn. Only a few minutes ago he had been dreamily imagining a future with Stevie, now he had no choice but to face the stark reality of Kristen in front of him.  His jaw ground as he squeezed his eyes shut for a few seconds, trying to steady his racing mind.

Opening his eyes, he turned to Kristen, his expression softening and his mind made up, "Kristen, I'm so sorry..."

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