She's got claws!

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Scarlet Germany Ambrosious Wyllt, she's the hottest girl in all of hogwarts. Of course being daughter of THE legendary MERLIN! she was always treated like royalty! Not to mention, she's half wolf but she doesnt have a bad temper like the other wild animals.

In her first year, Scarlet was given her own personal dorm in the gryffindor common room as to not even so breathe the same air as these poor people.. the p slur!!!!!
But she never thunked of it in that way, Scarlet always had a pure and kind and caring mind. At the age of 12, she saved the world from starvation and by 13 she had ended the all sorts of diseases such as penis breath, abnormally large queefs and drooping balls.
All the teachers of the school worshipped her, even Snape. All teachers until her 6th year.

"Umbridge.. that cunt!" Hermione spat.
It was the end of their first DADA lesson this year and the students are outraged. "No self defense in a self defense class? what a bloody anal!" Hermione continued to crank. "Please Hermione, maybe it wont be so bad!" Scarlet smiled angel-ly. Hermione ballsed her fists up and glared at Scarlet. Before the beautiful wolf girl could even blink she was punched in the left boob. "AHH OWW!!" Scarlet cried. She fell onto the ground delicately, grabbing onto her damaged boob.
"Blimey Hermione! What have are done!" Ron growled, whipping out his wand. "Farticus repeato!"
Suddenly a green gas coming from Hermiones buttocks launched her like a rocket, speeding around the halls and leaving a foul smell of meaty beans.
Everybody clapped their hands and cheered before they all surrounded the wounded girl.
"Scarlet, are you alright?" Harry and Ron both asked, holding out their muscle-a-fied hands. "Yes.. I'm okay, but Hermione!-"
"Forget about that loser! She was mental anyways!" Ron breathed his hot sausage breath onto her face as the two buffed boys pulled her up. Harry sniffs her hair, "You smell gorgalicious as always princess."
Scarlet giggles sweetly.

The week continues, there was no sign of Hermione ever returning! F that beetch!
Another DADA lesson cums up and they all attend. Umbridge keeps picking on Scarlet making her feel scared and shy. "S-stop being mean at me!.." She whimpers and Umbridge stares down at her with her evil eyeballs. "Don't talk back or I'm gonna put you in detention like Mr pot!"
"Urhh!!! Do it!! p-p-pu-pussy!!" Scarlet yells graciously. The whole class gasps but then claps! "Hurrah Scarlet! Daughter of Merlin!!" they cheer.

Umbridge looked a bit cranky, her face contorted into a wrinkled ballsack. "Detention Miss Wyllt!"
In detention Scarlet gotted tortured a lot of times with Harry Pee. He was listening to 'Va Va Voom' by the so called Nicki Minaj..
Scarlet faints from the blood coming out a lot! not from her period she's a week late, but her hand! Umbridge maked it said 'Wenches don't speaketh'

When she wakes up, she's in the infirmary with a boy next to her.. it's... it's!!! Draco Malfoy?!
"oh My!" Scarlet gasps. Draco suddenly wakens from the sounds of Scarlets mouth. "Scarlet, so goodness that you've woken up," He cries gently, "I scared.."
"Don't be scared Draco, I have your ass.." She smiles. He smiles back and kisses her eye and then sucks on her tears ever so cutely.
"Thank you mama malfoy!" she neighed!

The next day Scarlet walked hand in hand with the rich lad of the schooo, Malfoy.
"I knew you for the hot, gorgous, kind, short, rich, petite girl that hangs out with petor.." He whispered in your ear as you both scampered through the busy halls, "But i now know you for the hot, gorgeous, kind, short, rich, petite, girl with a tail and a heart full of meat and gold.." Scarlet and Draco furiously made out there and then and Umbrige catches them, and watches them like a PERVERT! "Pervert umbrige! pervert!" A student calls out. The two hottest couple of the entire school stopped their kissing and looked at the teavher in the hot pink bubble pink outfit and brown hair and hot pink pumps.

"Stay away from my gee eff.." Draco howls at her face from a distance. "No Pookins.. I believe it is my time to stand up, I'm not gonna let any of my male fans risk their lives for me.." She smiled beautifully at Draco. He slightly faints but then his mates pick him up on a carriage.
"Will you be okay Scarlet?" One of Draco's friends, Blaise says. Scarlet nods and blows Draco an ever so magical kiss.

The hallway clears up, everyone is watching. Umbrage and Scarlet are having a stare down. "You don't want to see what i'm capable of.." scarlet lets out a low growl before getting on all fours (shes wearing biker shorts!). Soon her ears and tail evolve big and she turns hairy but cute hairy, she reveals herself to be a scarlet red wolf with her same beautiful eyes.
Umbrige stares racistly in disgust, "Ewww!!! Furry! Shame! FOR SHAME!" she casts a deadly spell at Scarlet but it makes Scarlet grow wings instead. Beautiful angel wings come iut from her asshole..

She flaps them graciously, Lifting herself from the ground. Scarlet howls once more before unleashing her true power... "haaaah!" Scarlet blows her powerful wolf breath at umbrige. "AAHHH!" umbridhe flies into the end of thr hall. Pieces of rubble fall beside her, her hair matted with stones and dust. She cries. "My back! my elderly back!" She whimspers. Everyone laughs and claps. "He he, Umbridhe is a crybaby!"
Dumbledore comes over and congratulates Scarlet. "Well done my model pupil student, thank you for teaching that wanker a lesson."
Scarlet smiles with her wolf face but then she falls down beautifully again. She returns back to her normal form and everyone crowds around her. "Away! Be away!" Snape yells, Dumbledore carries Scarlet up bridal style and rveryone scrambles around to make way!

"Not so fast.." Umbridge says, unclipping her bra. "It's time to get real dirty!" She grins. "Crucio!" She casts onto Scarlet. "Owieee!" Scarlet says. "I have a tummy ache!" She continue so to whine.

Everybody looks around confused, Why is she not at hurting a lot.. Unless! The god of healing and strongness has given her super powers!
Umbridhe clutches her crotch and wand in defeat. "Fuck you! Fuck all yous! You're all just pissed because you couldnt get all this!" She humps the air aggressively with her aged back.

"Booooo!!! Burn the witch!!" Everyone boos. They start throwing shoes, books, papers, spells and underwear her way. "I wouldve gotten away with it if it werent for you Germany.." She hisses before getting hit with the killing curse.

Everyone cheered once more, confetti fell from above and sparkles dazzled above Scarlet. She gestured dumbledore to put her down as she was feels better now. "Ahem.. Scarlet..."
Scarlet turns around, Looking at the familiar sexy blonde boy and he gets down on one knee holding up a magic ring pop. "Will you do the honours and marry with me?" She smiles and grabs it and eats at it. "Yess! oh yes oh yes!"

Draco gets up and pulls her into a passionate lovely make out sesh in front of everyone. "I will make the entire wedding just for you both!" Dumbledore and Snape both say before they also both make out with each other.

Draco's dad comes out from the crowd, "I approve of this marriage because youre so beautiful and amazing, scarlet." He proudly smiles while crying. Scarlet thanks Draco's dad and then...

"Ah!" Scarlet yelps, falling onto the ground. "Baby!" Draco gasps, everyone circled around them again. Scarlet was sucking for air, she seemed like she was totally dying for realsies!
"Heeeeell!!!p!!!" She croaks. "Whats wrong baby!" Draco cries while putting her hand on his cheek.
"b..bee...." she exhales loudly and horsely. A bee flies up from the back of her neck, "Heheh fuck you cunt!" Barry bee benson lickef his lips while rubbing his fingers and flying away.
Scarlet was dying..
"My gee eff, plz dont do this, pleas liv.." he cries.
"I'll.. looking at......that....arse...." She whispers before passing.


Draco then killed himself, unable to live with the fact that his hot, gorgeous, short, kind, petite, wolf girl is dead. So did Ron and Harry and Snape and Dumbledore and Blaise and Jesus..

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