1 - A Traveller From Another World (Part 1)

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Birds chirped happily in the distance, the gentle trickle of water could be heard from the nearby stream and the golden rays of the dawning sun sent streaks of magical glistening light through the curtains of your kitchen window. The room and the rest of the house altogether was encased in a warm, comforting glow as you and Kirishima Eijirou bustled away in the kitchen - whether it be dusting the shelves, wiping the washed dishes with a cloth or simply organising the abundance of pots, pans and plates - the both of you were being productive. After an hour or so of productivity, Kirishima occasionally humming a simple tune, the both of you heard the front door creak open, revealing none other than Bakugou Katsuki, your second. . . 'house mate', alongside Kirishima.

"I'm home." Bakugou grunted in greeting as he trudged into the kitchen, carrying a decently sized boar in a sack that he had supposedly slain on his hunt. The boar had a wide gash on its neck which you supposed was where Bakugou had struck the beast; Bakugou was never one to familiarise himself with long range weapons, despite his undoubted skill with them.

Kirishima beamed, "Welcome back! Good hunting, huh? Haha, that bag looks heavy!~" His bright crimson eyes examined the sack and the boar's head and neck which was poking out, an awestruck look on his face which was filled with admiration.

Bakugou tutted, "'course it is Shittyscales, not all of us suck at hunting you know. If we left it up to you we'd starve." He stated a matter-of-factly, his red eyes narrowed at the red head.

Kirishima's eyes widen and he blushed lightly, "H-hey, I can hunt just fine, my kill's just...are a little extra crispy is all..." He muttered sheepishly.

Bakugou scoffed, "Or extra burnt. We can barely eat the things you kill, idiot." He swatted the back of Kirishima's head.

Kirishima grumbled and waddled over to behind you before wrapping his arms around you, burying his face into the crook of your neck comfortingly, "Jewel~, Bakugou's being mean to me!" He whined as he glared at Bakugou from behind your shoulder.

Rolling his eyes, Bakugou sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, "What are you, a welping?"You chuckled and ruffled Kirishima's hair in a fond manner before shooting a soft glare at Bakugou, "Stop being so mean, Katsuki."

Bakugou raised his eyebrows, "Hahhh?! I'm not being mean, I'm just telling the damn truth." He insisted before glaring back.Kirishima huffed, "At least our treasures on my side.." The red head pouted slightly."Yeah, yeah, you bunch of dimwits.." Bakugou scoffed, "Now hurry up and help me prepare this thing." The grumpy blonde hauled the heavy sack onto the old oak table which was placed near the window; the golden, shimmering rays of the evening sun were peeking in onto the table, forming a table cloth of brown and gold patterns.

"Fine fine, what are we making?" Kirishima question curiously as he eyes the boar with hungry crimson eyes.Bakugou hummed before dragging a big silver pot from one of the cupboards and placing it on the table as well. He pulled some vegetables out of his backpack along with some fresh herbs and spices, wrapped in a soft cloth and tied with string, "Planning on throwing this into a stew, I brought back some fresh vegetables too." He gestured to the vegetables.

Kirishima exclaimed happily, "We should cut some of those suuuper spicy peppers outta the garden too! I can't wait! Just the smell of the meat is driving me crazy!" He tentatively reached a slightly trembling hand towards the boar-"Oi!" Bakugou growled, slapping Kirishima's hand away.Kirishima whined and rubbed the back of his hand and he glared at Bakugou before seeking refuge behind you, "Ow..."

Bakugou rolled his eyes, "Stop drooling over the damn kill, stupid lizard. We gotta cook it first."Kirishima hummed, still bright eyed and bushy tailed, "Oh, right. It just smells so good." Kirishima sighed hungrily as he rubbed his belly.You chuckle, shaking your head fondly, "The sooner we start, the sooner we can eat, Eiji." You assured.Bakugou nodded approvingly, "They're right. The sooner we get it prepared the sooner we can eat, now stop being a nuisance and skin the damn thing, already." Kirishima nodded enthusiastically, "Right right right, okay, let me at it!"

After a good hour and a half, the boar was cooking in the pot : it had been skinned and cleaned by Kirishima before Bakugou sliced it into thick portions before letting you season the meat - with his assistance of course.Bakugou slumped into a chair, admiring their hard work, "There. Now nothing to do but to wait. And I mean it this time Kirishima. You take the lid off that pot and I'll take your fingers off, you got me?" The blonde glared at his crimson dragon companion.

Kirishima huffed before taking a seat next to the fire, "Fine fine. . ." He made an annoyed grumbling sound, "So stingy. . .Hmm, how about a story to keep us busy until food. He suggested, his red wings perking up at the thought.

"Ha, a story, huh?" Bakugou grimaced slightly at the thought, just wanting to sit back and relax after a long day of foraging. However, after seeing the puppy dog eyes that were plastered on you and Kirishima's faces he gave in with a sigh, "Fine. I guess I can tell you idiots a story. Which one?"Kirishima beamed, "Oh oh! Tell the story of how we met our Treasure!" The dragon wagged his crimson tail in excitement as he grabbed onto Bakugou's arm.

Scoffing, Bakugou gently shook Kirishima off, "You gotta be kidding me. . . you wanna hear that one again? You make me tell that stupid story at least twice a week!" He chuckled.Kirishima pouted, "Aw c'mon Bakugou...it's our favourite! Dinner's gonna take a while anyway so. . .pleeeeeease?" He whined, dilating his pupils in a begging manner.

Bakugou averted his gaze, a slight rosy tint dusting his cheeks, and sighed before taking a seat by the fire opposite the dragon who was already snuggled into some pillows, "Ugh, alright shitty scales, alright. Just knock it off with the eyes and settle in. If you idiots get squirmy I'm stopping."

Kirishima beamed eagerly, his tail wagging excitedly as he leaned closer, "We'll be good! Promise! C'mere Treasure. . ." Kirishima reached his hands out for you and pulled you into his chest. He was sitting with his legs crossed and placed you on his lap, back resting against his broad chest. "There we go. Nice and cosy. Now! Story!" He demanded as he glared softly at Bakugou.

Bakugou raised his eyebrows and chuckled, "Oh, gettin' demanding are we? Tch, fine. . . It all began in a world separate from this one. Where there were no dragons and no magic, at least that's what you thought at first. You were a scholar, you could barely afford to feed yourself, let alone the books you needed for your studies, so you did your research inside the library. You were studying the ancient history of your world."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2023 ⏰

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