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This was more than fear.

This was something palpable, something physically felt creeping down an already aching spine, ears ringing like alarm bells. The back of a boring old tee shirt becomes a canvas for the puddles of rain water accumulated on the rough concrete. Hot breath fogs against cold fall air, faint clouds of white painting the dark night air, it would be almost beautiful if burning lungs were not its' company.

Everything aches but then again what else is to be expected when you're so viciously tossed to the ground and trapped beneath men who crave the very violence they are acting out. The eyes of predators staring down at you as if you're a meal and they have been starved. What comes next is no surprise, not when white hot pain blooms in your left cheek, head snapping to the right with so much force it steals the breath right from your lungs.

Not a single word is spoken, not from the predators and certainly not from the prey. Begging and pleading to spare your life would do nothing and you damn well know it. These men know nothing but brutality and what their boss tells them. Well oiled machines doing the dirty work of a man who is too weak to do it himself and how you wish you could let those words spill out into the cold night but your blood would certainly spill along with them.

When the monster above you raises his fist again you do nothing; you know why this is happening. When a faint unrecognizable sound that could very well be a figment of your imagination reaches your ears, you still do nothing. You even remain that way as another man appears dressed in disembodied hands forces the second of four men to his knees next to you; both of his hands at the base of the necks of two of your attackers.

"Nothing but trash."

The scratch of his voice sends a new wave of terror through you, this is not the same feeling as before, this screams death. All you can do is stare in wide eyed fear as the men you had been so weak against turn a sickly gray and crumble in front of you. Panic is quick to sink its teeth into you when dust of what is left of the duo floats down and lands in a pile on your shirt.

Not a single second is wasted when you scramble to your feet, back pressed painfully against the rough brick wall of the alley, frantic eyes landing on yet another stranger. He looks like something a nightmare is made out of, tall and lanky, hair sticking out in all directions and wielding blue fire that now illuminates a nearly completely charred body.

Some sick and twisted part of you cannot look away, not from his burns, his flames and horrifyingly enough you cannot look away when he traps the last two gang members in a ring of fire. Without a single moment's hesitation, he steps through the inferno and into the circle, one single question is asked and one simple answer is given before all hell breaks loose.

A trembling voice perfectly matches the way the gangster stumbles away from his challenger, predator has now become prey, you listen closely in hopes of some kind of answer.

"Are you the Devil?"

A brief pause, a curious tilt of the head and a deep bone chilling laugh sounds as charred hands grip both remaining men by their faces.

"Something like that."

The screams that follow makes your heart drop into your stomach, both men bursting into blue flames and turning to ash in a matter of seconds has you running for the sake of your life. For a brief moment it seems like you will actually make your escape, the mouth of the alleyway approaching with each rushed frantic step you take.

All hope is crushed when a wall of scorching blue fire seals the only way out, the switch from intense panic to the inexplicable desire to fight is a quick one, trembling body turning to face your unlikely saviors.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2023 ⏰

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