A Piece Of Bread

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As the first rays of dawn pierced through the curtains of a rundown building, Tommy stirred from his makeshift bed of tattered blankets and newspapers. He was no longer the infant born into royalty; he was now a 14-year-old street kid struggling to survive. His home was a dilapidated shelter hidden in the darkest corners of the city, a refuge he shared with his friends Tubbo and Ranboo.

The trio relied on each other for support in this unforgiving world, their bond stronger than the icy winds that swept through their makeshift haven. Tubbo, the most resourceful of the group, was the one to assign tasks for the day, and today was no different.

"Tommy," Tubbo said with a sigh, "we're running low on food. You need to go to the market and grab something to eat."

Tommy grumbled, reluctant to leave the meager comfort of their hideout. But he knew Tubbo was right; food was scarce, and they couldn't survive without it.

Reluctantly, Tommy stepped out into the cold city streets. His shabby clothes, mismatched and threadbare, served as camouflage among the bustling crowds. He maneuvered through the throngs of people, eyes darting for an opportunity to snatch a morsel of food.

At the bustling market, he tried to remain inconspicuous, weaving through the stalls, his gaze on the tempting displays of fruits and bread. Hunger gnawed at his stomach, pushing him to take risks. He reached out, fingers just grazing a loaf of bread, when a firm hand clamped down on his shoulder.

Startled, Tommy spun around to face the imposing figure of the head guard, Sam, a creeper-hybrid, his expression stern and unyielding.

"Caught you, huh?" Sam's voice rumbled, as he glared down at the scrappy street kid.

Tommy's heart raced, his eyes locking onto the food he had tried to steal. He muttered, "I... I was just hungry. Can't you look the other way this once?"

Sam sighed, his gaze softening as he looked at the young boy before him. He remembered his own difficult past, growing up on the streets.

"Kid, I get it. I really do," Sam said, his gravelly voice laced with empathy. "But rules are rules, and I can't just let you go."

Desperation welled up in Tommy's eyes as he pleaded, "Please, it's just food. We're starving, and I promise I won't steal again." He was lying.

Sam hesitated for a moment, torn between duty and compassion. Ultimately, he relented. "Alright, kid. I'll buy the food for you this time."

Tommy's eyes widened in disbelief. He couldn't fathom his luck. Sam led him to the vendor, paid for the bread and a few apples, and handed the food to the grateful street kid.

As Tommy clutched the provisions, he looked up at Sam, fake gratitude etched across his face. "Thank you. You don't know what this means to us."

Sam nodded, a rare smile crossing his creeper-hybrid features. "Take care, kid. And remember, there are other ways to survive in this world. You don't always have to steal. The emperor can help. "

Tommy managed to somehow NOT roll his eyes, murmuring another thanks before turning and running off.

Tommy sprinted back to their makeshift hideout, clutching the precious food to his chest. As he entered, Tubbo and Ranboo looked up, their eyes widening with anticipation.

He burst through the door, a triumphant grin on his face as he presented the bread and apples to his hungry companions. "I did it, guys! I got us something to eat."

Tubbo's face lit up with a mixture of relief and excitement. "You did it, Tommy! You're a legend!"

Ranboo, typically more reserved, couldn't help but smile. "That's amazing, Tommy."

The three friends wasted no time in breaking the bread and sharing the meager meal. It wasn't a grand feast fit for royalty, but it was sustenance that warmed their hearts. They laughed and talked, their spirits lifted by the simple act of sharing a meal together.

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