chapter 1

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is been years since jason recover his memories of his odd life at first he was sad he miss his odd family but he was okay it was the best for everyone and he know his family want to enjoy his new life soo he did he show an more nice,caring and cheerful side as his family were happy he was better

now as for the hair he manage to hide it with his magic but the core wasn't the case as one day his parents find out he lied said he use magic on the core as he manage to "heal" himseft from the empty feeling as his parents accept

now for jason who remeber he realise mutiple things,first he became an flesh eater an human with powers of an blade olso he have part of the aegis side..but only his mother pyra side,olso his combats arts are limited to the fire element ones he theorize due to the pyra sword who was an fire blade it only have that

another thing it worried him...if pyra sword was an this world it means the other 2 mythra and pneuma blades must be an this world as well....and that is an problem if someone manage to access to the blades and powers it will be an problem and more if fell to the wrong hands he need to find the blades as soon as he can but due to still be an child it wasn't an option an the moment

another thing since is still part aegis he can store information now..lucky his odd and new memories were save soo he know things but he begin to learn more even legends an case he mild find useful an the future after all..knowedge is power

olso thanks to his odd memories he manage to have more stronger magic and control after all his odd world have magic as well and be an blade and aegis beings who control energy to support drivers it wasn't issue but still learn to polish his magic skills as he know there mild be treats an the horizon

another thing he theorize is is part aegis it means an other to become an full aegis he need to collect the other two swords since pyra and mythra are part of pneuma the true form of both soo he know the sooner he get the blades the better

aside from that jason get better on his swordmanship but not only sword he begin to learn other weapons mosty is to his uncle rex who was an master of all weapons and heck he was an aroud or little older of jason's current age his family was suprise as claire suspect due to the pyra's sword as he ask him as jason tell haft true when he fill complete he have memories of combat he doesn't know how as claire was okay with it the instrutors were suprise as well and paid attetion but that is he draw the line and metion then and the bald guy put attetion to his sister as well as she make great effort as well suprise claire by his actions as she got more caring with jason

speaking of caring jason and claire get along too well trough again claire was overprotetive with him but jason let it pass at time and more with his pyra personality it mix well even some the maids tease the duo about married each other witch make both siblings blush an the idea.jason find odd while someone said that....claire....she actually considere it...oh boy

olso out of the theme an thing it became daliy on jason's life hug see it start by claire who always hug him as people wonder the why as one the maid as as claire said jason was soo warm..the maid got curious and hug jason..and she was right it he is warm this is due to be an fire blade as his body temperature was high than normal humans soo that is why his body is warm..and became an habit he get hug..the odd things is the majority is by female either his mother,maids and her sister..more with the maids make claire upset

as for the sword jason came out is because of his magic it got attetion to people to see and even want to buy but jason say no of course and even ask his mom to not let the bald try to steal the blade or anything as his mother agreed besides it work by his magic soo he can make appear and dissapear at will

right now jason and claire were study

claire:this is boring

jason:i have we have no choice sis

the eminece of the aegisOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz