First Impressions

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"Hitomi? We're here," Dojima called out softly, looking at his sleeping niece from the rearview mirror as he parked the car.

Hitomi opened her heavy eyelids, noticing the car's stillness. As she slowly leaned forward, rubbing her tired eyes, Dojima and Nanako exited the car. Looking around, she noticed a plastic bag from 'Junes' sitting beside her. Mindlessly, she grabbed it and set it on her lap, questions popping in and out of her head.

Her uncle opened the car door, smiled, and apologetically spoke, "You passed out on our way home. I almost forgot about the food that I ordered ahead of time and made a quick errand. Sorry I didn't wake you."

Hitomi instinctively gives the bag to him, embarrassed about falling asleep in the car. It felt like the plan she had thought out so thoroughly on the train was now out the window.

Pulling out her bags from under the seat, she murmured softly, "It's fine, I don't mind..."

Nanako made her way around the car, stopping beside her father with a concerned expression as they watched their new family member wobble out of the car. Noticing Nanako's concern, Hitomi glanced away, covering her head with her hood. Dojima extended his hand, silently offering to carry her bags, to which she shook her head in reply. Dojima frowned a bit before taking Nanako's hand, the two walking to the front door.

Closing the car door, Hitomi looked up at the two-story traditional Japanese style house. It was a nice, deep chocolate color, the sun's setting rays of light glazing on the tiled rooftop.

Simple design... I like it, she thought to herself, rubbing her eyes once more. With a deep breath, she turned and followed after the others and entered the residence.

Inside was rather clean, the only mess visible being the coffee table separating the kitchen and the living room, where stacks of paper sat lifelessly.

Hitomi removed her hood and boots, shyly walking over to the kitchen where her uncle was getting drinks out of the fridge. Nanako stood patiently behind him. Looking around some more, it was clear to see that the home had personality. Next to the sea of papers, there was a toaster on the kitchen table with a panda doll on top of it, a cabinet filled with various kitchenware, spices of various brands. Dojima's brown coat hung lazily over one of the chairs near the doorway, Hitomi removing her shawl at the sight of it.

In the kitchen itself, the fridge was decorated with childish drawings, documents, and a hand towel hanging from a magnetic clip. Near the stairway that was to her right, on the shining wooden floor, was a small wooden cabinet with a landline on top along with a green lamp and a vase that held freshly picked flowers. Behind the flowers is a calendar with a picture of Mt. Fuji on it.

Looking over to the main living room space, there sat a large dark brown couch, a chabudai surrounded with four purple zabutons that sat on top of tatami mats, and a small television over in the corner; facing the chabudai. On top of the chabudai were three boxes of to-go sushi poking out of the 'Junes' bag.

Food!, the guest thought to herself, fidgeting. She wanted to approach and eat right there, but it would seem rude without permission... But she didn't have much to eat during her trip and was eager to have something.

Noticing the fidgeting girl, Dojima smiled as he pulled out plates, soy sauce, napkins, and cups. "Why don't you and Nanako go on ahead and wait for me at the table? You can put your bags by the stairs."

Hitomi blushed with embarrassment before nodding obediently and setting her bags down by the stairs. She walked over to the dinner table, noticing two small brown bears figures sitting on top of the T.V.

That's cute, she remarked internally.

Nanako quickly followed after with the drinks that Dojima pulled out earlier and took a seat next to the dark blue curtains, Hitomi choosing to sit across from her. Nanako placed down an orange drink in front of her as she offered a can of green tea. Hitomi nodded in thanks as she took the can. Dojima chuckled nervously as he approached the girls, carrying a small plastic tray which contained the kitchenware and extras, sitting down at the end of the dinner table between the girls.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2023 ⏰

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