Hopeless Light

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        Emerald University was a quite large school . Sparkling  large towers, fresh ponds and rivers near the exit and entrances , and plenty of shopping areas.  It was a perfect and beloved school by the nation . Loved by all expect for one person ,  Rose Roberson.  College was supposed to be an escaped from home , a new start in her life . Sadly is was no happy times for Rose . 

8:00AM ( Tuesday)

Beep , Beep , Beep . 

"MMhhhhh no ...." ,Rose said in sleepy tone , her face plunged in the pillow . Classes started soon , but class means talking , talking means having to communicate with judgmental people  , judgmental leads to high anxiety . She couldn't , not today ..... not anymore .

Beep, Beep , Beep . 

The same beeping sound of her alarm  screamed throughout her dorm . Almost taughting Rose sleeply comments. After a few seconds of long annoyance , she slap her hand on her phone and turned off the alarm . 

" fine ....you win this time , damn machine .'' Rose said as she stumbles out of bed . Her clammy hands jumbled across her desk , grabbing her comb . She gives a deep sign , and starts to bush her long dark hair as she walks to her closet and picks up a  random baggie hoodie and jeans . Rose walks to her cramped bathroom and lays her clothes down on the side of the sink , and turns on the sink to splash some water on her face . 

The water was hot yet cold at the same time . Cheap plumbing for a expensive room , seems about right .  Rose pats her face with towel and changes into her hoodie and jeans . After getting herself together slowly , she stares intensely at herself in the mirror . Her long black hair was slightly uneven , the hoodie had a few loose threads , and the jeans has a slight rip on the hip region. 

" god .... I look horrible .'' 

Rose negative thoughts about her looks , started to boil in her mind . Seconds turns to minutes as she stood there at the mirror .Making the tiny details turn bigger and bigger in her mind .Rose began to ask herself why didn't  she look like the other girls , why wasn't  she skinner , why wasn't  she tall , just why ... isn't she  better.  As she stood there , she didn't  realize  how much time has passed. Rose's brown eyes look slightly at her phone on the counter , it showed 8:45. 

" shit , I'm late !'' 

Rose grabs her phone and quickly puts her shoes on and runs out of her dorm . 

later ...

Rose slightly out of breath and stops at the door of her class. She brushes some of her hair behind her ears and took a deep breath and walked in quietly . The class was in the middle of a lecture , a few students look back at the door and the teacher look at Rose and made no comment and rolled her eyes and went back to speaking. Rose awkwardly walks in and sits in the back . A few students slightly laugh  under their breath due to Rose awkward nature . 

Rose face was slightly red due to embarrassing  herself  by walking in late . Even though college was nothing like high school , in that's its okay to be late at times. Rose had mindset that she had been a fool . She had always had a hard mindset on herself , she knew this was a problem but no matter what she did , she could never escaped those horrendous thoughts. 

Few minutes, a young man walks in and sits next to Rose . The boy had fluffy brown hair , green eyes, and was wearing a sports jersey . A jersey .... a jock ... no thank you. Rose thought in her brain as she writes some notes from the board. 

A slight tap fell on Rose shoulder . Rose whole body slightly jumped and look to her right at the guy. The guy had a slight smike on his face , " quite jumpy huh ? didnt mean you scare you babe but can I see the answers the last assignment?'' 

Rose tried her best not to roll her eyes and said slightly scooted away , " um... no ... sorry I don't.'' The boy moved closer again and said , " oh common . I know you have them . you are always doing your aliments early . a little peek won't hurt right ?'' 

Rose look slightly mad but look at the ground and said softly , " I said no , alright ?'' The boy scoffed at the answer , " fine be like that , don't want answers from an ugly girl anyway.'' The boy  moved back to his side and played on his phone. 

A familiar uncomfortable feeling spread though her shoulder to her toes. Rose clenched her teeth wanting too bad to say something but at the end , she said nothing and went back to work. 

After class , Rose went to grab some lunch alone , then she went to two more classes after that , still sitting in the back . Even after being alone majority of the day her mind still was on the boy comment . As her form walked past a nearby pond , seeing her reflection slightly . A deep sign escaped her lips and said , " maybe he is right ...'' 

It was now later in the day , the sun began to set. Even though the day was ending , Rose did not want to go to her dorm , cause the sooner she slept the sooner she would have to do this shit all over again. So she begins to walk near the exit of the school , on the path of a smoothing deep river beside her . 

Despite the beauty of nature around her , her thoughts had no light . A chaotic build of past and present of guilt , emptiness , and sadness filled her view . What was the point of school , the point of going to class , what was the point of evening being alive....

Rose steps on the edge of the deep river , her soft brown eyes looking sorrowful . 

Do it , Do it , Do it , Do it now you coward. 

A negative voice speaks in her brain . A single tear caresses Rose's cheek. Rose trembling lips said softly , " the pain .... I can finally be free....'' Rose knew she could not swim and in that moment she was glad. 

The moment was quiet , the only thing you could hear was the rushing water on the slightly moving river.  Rose heartbeat quicken , she could barely stand . Everything was just too much. Rose took that final step and plunged herself into the river . 

The water was ice cold . Her body stunk deeper and deeper into the river , Rose negative thoughts were swiftly moving threw her mind as she gave in deeper into the darkness all-around her.  A burning sensation filled her lungs . She suddenly felt a stabbing pain in her stomach as the water filled her lungs . 

A slight fear filled her mind . Was this right ? 

Rose began to panic , her arms and legs thrashed . She tried to scream for help , but more water filled her lungs . As she began to loose hope , she felt something  grace across her foot . He felt wet and slik , almost like some fish . 

Suddenly a muscular arms wrapped around Rose waist and she felt herself be pulled up . Clean air filled her lungs , as the gently sunset light fell on her dizzy eyes. 

She was alive , wait ... she was alive. Rose look down at the hands on her wast. The muscular  hands that saved here were a  pure white color with  scales all around them . Rose screamed at the sight , quickly moved out the the arms grip and hold her self on the edge of the river . 

Her trembling brown eyes look straight at the strange being . This fish ...man ... monster thing had long white hair , intense blue eyes , pale white skin , and had gills and scales on the side of his face running down to his bare muscular chest . 

A monster ... it wasn't  human ... clearly . Rose tried to speak , but was too much in  shock .She  closed her eyes fearing for her life . Her wet fingers trembled as they grab the side of the river , her nails digging into the dirt . 

Rose waited to be attack , but nothing happened . Rose slightly  open of her eyes . 

The water creature had a worried expression and said in the most soothing yet deep voice rose has ever heard , " All you alright little human ?'' 

More Chapters coming soon 

Thx for reading 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2023 ⏰

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