A Monotonous Cycle

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Based off the game Every Day the Same Dream.

Every morning I wake up at six o' clock.

I turn off the alarm.

I go and brush my teeth.

I change into my work uniform.

I say hello to my family.

I eat breakfast.

I drive to work.

Then I work until eight o'clock.

When work is over, I go home.

I eat dinner.

I change my clothes.

I brush my teeth.

I set my alarm to six o'clock.

I go to bed.

Then the cycle repeats. Over and over and over again. It's a never-ending pattern, the time spent between sleep a monotonous cycle. Life is a straight road with no twists and turns. There is only one path, and that path is black and white.

The time spent in bed is probably my favorite time.

I wake up at six o' clock.

I turn off the alarm.

I go and brush my teeth.

I change into my work uniform.

I say hello to my family.

I eat breakfast.

I drive to work.

Then I work until eight o'clock.

When work is over, I go home.

I eat dinner.

I change my clothes.

I brush my teeth.

I set my alarm to six o'clock.

I go to bed.

Sometimes, when I lay in bed, I stare at my alarm clock. I dislike the noise it makes. It only reminds me of tomorrow. I always debate whether to leave it off or not, but in the end, it always wins. The alarm stays on, and so, the cycle continues.

I wake up at six o' clock.

I turn off the alarm.

I go and brush my teeth.

I change into my work uniform.

I say hello to my family.

I eat breakfast.

I drive to work.

Then I work until eight o'clock.

When work is over, I go home.

I eat dinner.

I change my clothes.

I brush my teeth.

I set my alarm to six o'clock.

I go to bed.

It helps to know that everyone shares a similar pattern. Still, I don't wish it on anyone. A monotonous life is worse than death, in my opinion. Not that my opinion matters. It never did. It never does.

I wake up at six o' clock.

I turn off the alarm.

I go and brush my teeth.

I change into my work uniform.

I say hello to my family.

I eat breakfast.

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