Not sonic's baby

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Sonic's point of view

hey guys yeah i never died i didnt want to be with amy yeah i know shes a  great friend and all but she may not forgive me because i am a prince as you know and i am the heir and techincally king and the kingdom is far away and .........for reals i never did that....with amy i slept on my own mattress under the bed which i would pull out when amys asleep so the baby cant be mine and anyone including me cant listen to taylor swift singing for 4 hour straight but shadow  did it longer than me he tolerated it for an  hour longer than me.he is a better boyfriend probably even husband(if amy just got over  my'death' and accepted the fact) 


Shadows POV

"Shadow......wait can i sleep at your house?" Amy rose asks

Why though? I know her husband died like yesterday but of all the people she could have chosen she chose me. my friend rouge(who keeps shipping me w amy since last year amy doesnt know) would never let me here the end of this if word got out.....and the media ugh i can imgane the headlines........

"Rose i...." too late she was already sleeping on my chest fur she was snoring cute soft snores.....i remember a distant memory i had a brother who looked like me but with cyan blue stripes and eyes instead of crimson......

"okay rose you win."

"chaos control"I say and we teleported inside my room in my house i put her on my bed gently and pulled the covers (since it gets really cold in the night) on amy. I scrolled aimlessly on Wattpad since i really was not tired  and was not looking forward to going to G.U.N tomorrow. Some stories were innocent like innocent could be others were not and rated mature i got on my account and began writing "darkness fills the night taking away the sun and blue sky dappled stars they prick the sky leaving a black blanket for the moon to lie. as the onlooker  of the night watching as dreams take flight.night mares start oh so grim....the happiest person is broken i dont know why i saw her dreams tonight i saw that she had lost a loved one was there to confort her(Author notes:he is foreshadowing himself without relizing it)

and someone unexpected conforted her he cared for her weeks past turns out the girls lover who said to have died faked his death.

but it was too late the girl was pregnant already" i write and publish....thats good for now i go to sleep

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