16th Birthday

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She looked in the mirror: she saw Andie in the background in his tuxedo, and she saw herself standing there in a dress. She didn’t recognize herself. She was a princess tonight. Not just the little girl with black hair and green eyes in sixth period English. She was famous tonight. More famous then she ever thought she would be, but she was less famous then she would become.

She stared at the stranger in the mirror. Andie could sense her tension, so he went to stand next to her. He wrapped his arms around her like a big brother he acted like, and whispered, “Bethany, you are beautiful. You are a princess. Be one.” With that he stepped back into the background, and Bethany took in his words. Bethany, you are beautiful. You are a princess. Be one. She chanted that over in her head ten times until she finally believed him.

Bethany took a big breath when Cassandra called, “Bethany, can you come here for a minute?”

“Coming Mom,” she called. Bethany shot Andie a look that said, Stay here, or I’ll kill you. She stuck his hands up in an I’m innocent way that made Bethany laugh. Of course As soon as Bethany got to the fourth stair she was knocked over by no other then, Andie. She tumbled down the carpeted steps staring at the pattern go by making her dizzy and ready to puke.

As she went down the last step she could feel her feet land on the floor, and the wind being knocked out of her. She tried laughing with little air she could, but she was pretty sure that the wood floor wasn’t supposed to be spinning like that. She tried steadying herself on the wood railing, and she saw a little pixie fly passed her face. She tried turning her head, but the pixie was gone, and so was the dizziness. She stood up straight and glared at Andie.

He was on the floor laughing, crying, and shouting at the same time. Bethany turned on her heel, and she stalked off towards the kitchen where Cassandra sat waiting. The second her foot touched the tiled floor everyone from her grade jumped out and yelled, “SURPRISE!”

Bethany squealed in delight, and she ran to hug Cassandra. She could sense Cassandra was hiding something, but she ignored it.

Bethany was led outside into the little park she had her sixth birthday at by Cassandra and Simon. Cassandra gave Bethany a quick kiss on the cheek as she glided into the sea of teenagers. She probably only knew half f the people there, and Andie was on stage with Kendall, Mark, and Ben. They didn’t have a name, but for right now they were called That band that played at Clarry’s party. They didn’t like it, but Bethany did.

As Bethany tried to navigate her way to the punch bowl she felt someone take a hold of her wrist. A boy. Probably a year older but no more then Bethany. He was tall, he had blonde orange hair, hazel eyes, and freckles. He was wearing a leather jacket, a white V-neck shirt, jeans, and orange Nikes. She tried not to smile at the way his jacket didn’t go with his shoes, but she couldn’t help it. She chuckled under her breath, but he must of heard that because he held on to her tighter.

She almost winced, but he dragged her towards the house. Cassandra was gone, and so was Simon. She could have screamed, but she knew he wouldn’t try anything with all these people here. He dragged her into the house, and picked her up bridal style. He didn’t look like a rapier, but Bull Dogs looked nice. He carried her up the stairs and into her room. He set her on the bed while her went to lock the door, and sit in her desk chair.

“Who are you?” Bethany asked.

“Blake,” he said.

“No last name?” she asked.

“Cannendre,” Blake said.

“What are you doing here?” Bethany asked.

“I’m here to tell you something,” Blake said.

“What is it?” she asked.

“Has your mother told you about the Underworld? Or the Dark Realm?” Blake asked.

“No, this isn’t some Disney movie,” I said.

“Your right it’s not, but it is the Maderke world you live in,” he said.

“What?” she asked.

“You were raised a Maderke. A mortal, but you are a Shadow Hunter,” he said.

“No, I’m not. This isn’t a fairy tale! This is real life! People are struggling,” she said standing up.

“No, it’s not. Bt it is real life! Bethany, have you ever wondered why you see pixies? Have you ever wondered how you can see weird things? See weird symbols, and know what it means?” Blake asked.

“I have seen pixies, but they are just weird light tricks. I can speak Japanese I think I know some symbols, and I am just like those people outside!” Bethany yelled. Blake looked at her in rage. She knew he wasn’t telling her something, but she didn’t want to know anything about this Shadow Hunter crap! She walked over to the door, unlocked the knob, and pointed outside while saying, “OUT!”

“This won’t be the end,” I’ll get to you somehow. Bethany Miles, you are and always will be a Shadow Hunter," he said.

Bethany scanned the room trying to find out what it is that she was feeling inside of her. Stop! He was wrong! You are just a regular sixteen year old girl! she chanted in her head. She fixed her dress as she walked down the staircase. She looked outside and saw the whole park deserted. “Figures,” she muttered under her breath. Bethany felt Cassandra wrap her arms around her tiny figure and whispered in her ear, “Do you believe him?”

Bethany look taken aback. She thought it was just her and Blake in that room. Cassandra must know a lot. “No,” Bethany said.

“You should,” Cassandra told her.

“What I’m not a Dark Hunter. That’s just stupid stories,” Bethany said turning around to face Cassandra. “I’m not this person he thinks I am!”

“Well Bethany most of the stories are true. There are vampires, werewolves, demon-”

“Oh my,” Bethany said sarcastically.

With a stern face Cassandra led Bethany up the stairs and into her room. “I should have told you earlier,” Cassandra confessed.

“Mom, you don’t think he’s right do you?” Bethany asked.

“I-” Cassandra was cut off by the window being broken. Bethany turned her head abruptly to stare at the demon who crashed into her room. She started walking back, but she was stopped by the wall. It’s either turn my head and open the door, or stay trapped in this room with the monster. she thought.

Cassandra finally stood up and walked cautiously over to Bethany’s closet. She shut the door, and began hitting the wall. A few seconds later Cassandra came out with a dagger. It wasn’t any dagger. It was glowing, and it had a red jewels on the handle. Cassandra whistled to get the demon’s attention.

It turn his head away from Bethany for just enough time, so she could open the door. Bethany ran out the door, down the stairs, and right into Simon. He stared into her eyes as she held onto his shirt so hard her knuckles were bone white. Bethany let him go as he stumbled up the stairs to help Cassandra. Bethany couldn’t leave Cassandra and Simon, but she wasn’t a Shadow Hunter. A pixie danced across Bethany’s face. She shooed it away with a flick.

She trudged down the stairs and into the darkness. A chill was sent down her spine as she shuddered. Something bad was going to happen. Something VERY bad.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2011 ⏰

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