//chapter 4// Caught Cheating!?

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Pierce and I arrived at the party together, dressed in our finest outfits. (Fancy~) I think we made quite the entrance as we walked inside. The place was bustling with people, and the noise level was through the roof. My poor ears were in for a rough night.

(So are his legs*cough* *cough* I didn't say anything-)

Pierce: "Hey, any sign of Aaron?" I asked, my voice barely audible over the party's noise.

I leaned in closer to Pierce and shouted, "Not yet, but we should keep an eye out. He's bound to show up soon."
(Shouting because it was too loud.)

We went over to the NON-ALCOHOLIC punch and got ourselves drinks.

We navigated our way through the party, careful not to spill our drinks.

Pierce: "Man it's busy, who even are half these people?"

I shrug.

Ein: "I have no idea! Let's just look for Kawaii-Chan or Aphmau. So we can catch them."

It was hard to miss Kawaii-Chan, who was the center of attention, laughing and entertaining the guests with her bubbly personality.

(Bubbles 😍)

Ein: "Look, there's Kawaii-Chan. Let's keep an eye on her, and when she slips away, that's our cue to find Aaron."

Pierce nodded, We sipped our drinks and chatted with some of the other people, while keeping a watchful eye on Kawaii-Chan.

Pierce POV

After a while, we noticed a subtle change in the atmosphere. Kawaii-Chan excused herself from the group and headed towards a hallway. Ein nudged me, signaling that it was time to make our move.

Ein: "She's heading down that hallway. Let's follow her discreetly and see if we can lead Aaron to her."

We followed Kawaii-Chan down the hallway, staying out of her line of sight. The guests continued to enjoy the ✨festivities✨
(Is that even a word-)

As we reached the end of the hallway, Kawaii-Chan disappeared into one of the rooms.

Pierce: "See I told you."

Ein: "We have to find Aaron and get him to come down this hallway without making it obvious."


Pierce nods.

Pierce: "What should we do?"

Ein: "Let's split up and see if we can spot him. I'll check the main room; you head to the backyard. If you find him, send me a signal. On my phone or if you're near do a peace sign.

We parted ways, with Pierce making his way to the backyard, while I remained in the main room. I tried to blend in with the other guests, looking for any sign of Aaron.

It didn't take long before I spotted him in a conversation with some Kim and Noi, I approached him casually, striking up a conversation about the party and its various attractions.

Ein: "Aaron, have you tried the delicious snacks they're serving in the backyard? You should come check them out."


My two Boyfriends//Ein x Pierce x AaronWhere stories live. Discover now