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You're that someone special in my life
You know the perfect match for eachother
We fight
We Lough
We share
There is a little incident funny but life changing
It was my last door, my last hope to see some light 🕯️ but I couldn't find it I searched everywhere but I couldn't find it and that door was my last hope but when I opened it to find another dark realm just when I was about to fall, I felt something warm catching it was a very familiar feeling but I couldn't recall it where I felt it but I couldn't and then when I opened my eyes and saw a light coming from infront I gathered up all my strength and moved forward to that new light of hope it was when I first saw you so thankyou very much for catching me that time thank you very much for being my light
If I haven't been wondering around that dark realm I doubt that I would have ever my light
I doubt that the moon 🌝 would have ever found its sun 🌞
So if you ever found yourself wondering or overthinking just read this and you'll know how special you are for me if you ever go away I'd lost my light moon needs it sun😁

When I first saw her Where stories live. Discover now