i am back 😁

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(They all have decided to go to bar who is gonna save them)

They all have drink a little because they know what is gonna happen with them 😬

Y/n: let's eat ice cream 🍦 😋

Bp : yes let's goo 🤩

They all are now on the ice cream shop 😋

Lisa: I am gonna give you all treat 😃 which ice cream do you all want

Jisso: strawberry ice cream

Rose: vanilla ice cream

Y/n and jennie: chocolate ice cream

Lisa: OK 😊
(Y/n have eaten a lot of ice cream)

Jennie: OK y/niee stop it now it's too much you will fall sick

Y/n: just a little more pls

Lisa: let her eat Jennie I am giving treat 😌

Y/n: thank u Lisa 💓

(Now she have stopped because she is not feeling well)

Rose: now let's go guys we are already late

Jisso: OK let's go

Now they all have straight goes to their house but jimin already have got to know everything because jungkook have told everything to jimin(jungkook is physics proffesor)

Jimin: y/n why did you bunk lectures (in his mind)

Y/n was going to her room but jimin said where were you y/n
And then (y/n in her mind what can I do now)

Jimin: I am saying something (shouts)

Y/n got scared and turn to see his angry face

Jimin: where were you y/n (shouts again)

Y/n: s..o..rr..y Jim.m.in (stuttering)

Jimin: stand here(as he have gone to his room and bring the cane)

Y/n: I.. a.m s.or.ry ji.m..in. pl..s fo..rgi..ve me pls (stuttering)
(Hit her 5 times she starts crying)

Jimin: count (I am sorry baby but it's good for you 😔how can you bunk I have never expected this from you)

Y/n: I.. a.m.. so..rry..ji..m.in one (hit) two.. aahhh..(hit) (he hits her 30 times she is crying too much)

Jimin: why did you bunk your classes and came home late

Y/n: I.. am..so..r.ry jim..in but how did you know (shocked)

Jimin: don't you dare again to bunk classes otherwise punishment will gonna be more worse (as he goes to his room)
(Y/n is crying so much because of pain her face is red now)( Then jimin came with first aid box and apply ointments on her hands)

Y/n: I.. am..so..rr.y ji..mi..n (crying)

Jimin: OK (he smiles a little)

Then he comforts her

(Ok guys I hope you all are enjoying my imagination and thank you 😊 next part will come soon saranghae armys 💜💜💜)

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