chapter twelve

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I stare at the post for a minute longer with my mouth wide open, what the fuck was going on?

"Adelina, I think we need to go home," Sab whispered as my eyes were glued to the screen, "One sec-."

"No I mean now," She urged as I looked up at her, "Why what's wrong?" I ask confused as she drags my hand with her as she walks out.

Her phone kept on buzzing with texts but I couldn't make out who was sending them, my ex- boyfriend had just broken up with his girlfriend randomly. Forgive me for being a bit in shock.

"Okay then," I walk with her out of the shop as she swipes on her phone to Instagram, "What are you doing?," We walk a bit faster as she gives me no answer, I don't live too far from here so we were going to reach home pretty fast.

"We have a bit of a problem," She laughed nervously, the laugh she would only use if she fucked up badly.

"What did you do?," She quickly typed as she looked back up at me, "Camille's texting me and she's really upset."

"What do you mean by really upset?"

"Upset enough that I accidentally invited her back to your place," She let out a shaky breath as my eyes widened, "Your fucking joking."

I snatch her phone out of her hand and check the messages.

I snatch her phone out of her hand and check the messages

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For fucks sake.

"What is actually wrong with you?," I hiss as we walk faster towards my house, "C'mon Adelina you know how I am in these types of situations." She stressed as I ran a hand through my hair.

"What the fuck Sabrina, you do understand that I'm letting his ex - girlfriend into my house? The girl he most literally cheated on me with?," I look at her as she digs into her bag for the keys, "I'm sorry okay, let me just tell her she can't come."

She reaches for her phone as I shake my head, "You can't just tell her she can't come now, what are you going to say? Oh sorry you can't come because you're the reason Adelina wants to rip her skin off?," I huffed as regret glinted in her eyes, "I'm sorry, I fucked up."

"Yeah you did," She finally finds the keys and opens the door, "What the hell am I going to do now?"

We both walk in as I slam the door behind me, throwing my purse onto the sofa as I make my way to the counter to put all the food away.

"Okay I'll put this away, sorry," Sab offered as she took the bags full of food, "It's okay, we just gotta clean up because it sort of looks like I've been robbed."

I quickly take off my shoes and rush to the front door to put them there, at least my shoe rack makes me look like I'm well put together.

I sigh as I rush back to the living room, it was an actual mess. There were empty packets of food and my clothes sprawled out onto the sofa.

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