Unfortunate Meeting

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Chester's POV~

*Alarm Rings*

"seriously?", I mumbled to myself while hugging my pillow. The door opens and my friend Sam came running in. "Dude Get Up!", He shouted, "we need to be in the court for like 15 minutes ago, now hurry up!",

He keeps on hitting me with a pillow but im still not opening my eyes, "just tell the coach that i don't feel good and my body went missing", I said not really thinking.

Sam is my friend since highschool, he's my neighbor but he always sleep and stays here so i just gave him the spare key to help me clean the house.

Sam got an idea to take advantage of my half-asleep state, "if you don't get up now i'll tell the whole campus that you love me", he grins like a dog upon saying that last three words,

I got up quickly then goes straight to the comfort room to tidy myself up not saying a word to Sam whose smiling like a perverted mammal.

After i finished tidying myself i got out of my room then goes downstairs seeing everything that can conquer my stomach "Food!", I exclaimed excitingly taking my food of my own choices. "who made this?",  I asked, "Ian", he said while upstairs fetching his bag, "i see", i ate quickly then jump on my motorcycle "i'll go on ahead Sam, i got a few errands to finish", he just shouted yeah.

~On the road

"Pfft, errand hahaha", I said laughing while driving, upon crossing the street i saw a woman being harassed by a couple of retarded guys, i stopped my bike a couple of meters away from them "it's not my problem, don't barge in and act like a hero", I said in my mind but my body won't just heed my thoughts. "hey cutie! come and have fun with us", the short guy said while running his hand towards her cheeks, she immediately slaps the man's hand and tries to run away but she stops and prepares for the worst when the man raises his fist against her,

"don't!", i sprinted towards the old geezer and quickly grabs the oncoming fist. "you better stop now old man, it's not good for your health" I smirked at the end of my sentence.

"mind your own business boy", he shouted at me, throwing another punch, i dodged it then grab the girl to run away. We shaked off  the two guys then landed at the mall.

"Miss, sorry for dragging you in here", i said scratching my head in embarrassment.

"it's fine i'm on my way here anyway", she respond not even looking at me while tightening her cap, I can tell that this girl is a rich kid judging by her clothes and a beauty too just by seeing half of her face.

"what're you staring at?", she asks which let's me get back in the real world. "uhm n-n-nothing miss", I looked in the other way to avoid eye contact then she suddenly grabbed my hand literally dragging me somewhere.

We ended up in a music store, I stand in awe because there's a huge line inside including persons with cameras and stuff, "they must be holding an event here", I mumbled to myself when she grabbed my shirt down then started to whisper something, "hide me behind your back".

"Wait- what?" I stumbled when she started to push me towards the authorized person room while hiding.

When we got inside the room, she removed her cap and offered her hand as if she wants to shakehands, "Thank you for saving me from those people earlier", She smiled sweetly that made my heart melt because of cute she is especially with those chipmunk voice.

"It's my job as a man to save a girl in need miss", I took her hand then smiled wholeheartedly.

"Don't call me miss it makes me feel that i'm old already, I have a name mister!", She pouts releasing our hands "My name is Tomomi Ogawa from the band Scandal, I'm pretty sure you heard about us already anyway", She mockingly said helding her head high.

I scratched my head and let out a curious sigh. "I'm sorry to say this but who are you again?, Scandal? I don't know a thing about your band im sorry", I said with my head down afraid that i hurt her feelings.

"SERIOUSLY?!", She screamed giving a sting to my ears. "Come with me NOW!", I just followed her outside the room and as i walked outside the room my jaw-dropped by seeing dozens of people with their cameras flashing towards Tomomi. She held my hand tightly directed me to take a seat.

I closed my eyes wishing to myself that i should've not met this girl. "I will start introducing the band Scandal to you then", She said giving me a wink.

"Man, this is surely a one heck of an unfortunate meeting", I facepalmed myself thinking why i ended up in this crowded conference.

~To be continued
..First Update! yay! hahaha ..i now know that i'm a lazy writer and not good either so sorry xP ..

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