Please Read

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There's 5 things I need to address because the comments are getting out of pocket and annoying.

1. If you don't like children don't read the story. It's just that simple. The story is about pregnancy and kids. You're going to get both of those things in the story. So once again if you don't like kids or pregnancy then this isn't the book for you. Also the abortion jokes are played out. Especially when it's commented after the first two chapters of the book.

2. If you don't like a character simply because you don't like them either read and shut up or leave. I do not care how much you hate the character outside the book. If they have done nothing in the book to lead to you spamming the comments with your hate then shut up. I don't care that you want a certain character to leave in a chapter. I don't care that you don't like them. Don't read a MHA book and act surprised when you see a MHA character. Yes the only one that needs to be here is Katsuki but that does not stop me from including any other ones. Of course you can comment your hate since it's a comment section and anyone is free to say whatever. But do not act surprised if someone who thinks differently states their opinion and starts an argument with you. They are also free to say what they want on the topic since it's a comment section. I know I for one get annoyed with unnecessary excessive hate comments. Comment you hate them once and continue reading. Spamming your hate does nothing to the character. They're still going to be in that chapter. The only thing you succeeded in doing was annoying me.

3. If you don't like a ship I do not care. This is a Katsuki x Reader book. That is the only ship that matters. Whoever else is shipped together does not matter because it isn't about them. If you're reading a Katsuki x Reader book then you should accept that other characters may possibly be shipped together. You can of course say you don't like a ship or something because it's a comment section and you're free to do what you want. But constantly saying who you prefer together is annoying. They aren't together in this so grow up and continue to read if you like it and if it's bothering you so much then leave instead of reading and complaining so much in the comments.

4. Please realize that people say things differently depending on where they were raised. I may not call an object the same name you do but that doesn't mean I'm wrong and I need hundreds of people spamming the comments saying "wtf is a (blank). You mean (blank)". No I don't mean that. I said what I meant. And if you're commenting it as a joke its really not funny since everyone keeps repeating it. Like I said before the joke gets played out eventually.

5. I don't care if you find the way I talk rude so spare me the "@lovelyxkatsuki you seem very rude" comments when replying to a comment I made to no one in particular. Telling me that won't make me have an epiphany and change the way I talk in my comment. I tend to cuss a lot and throw randoms insults into sentences and I'm not changing that just because some random person on wattpad finds that rude. I'll rather stay rude to you than change myself to fit your standards. If you don't like cusses and insults just say that don't call me rude for it. Although it's kind of ironic you're reading a Katsuki Bakugo fanfic but you're acting that sensitive towards the way I talk. Anyways let me stop ranting. I hope this paragraph made sense.

Once again I am not telling you what you can and can not do in the comments. But if you do any of this do not be surprised if me or another reader says something to you. Just like you were able to say what you wanted we also can do the same.

Oh also if my attitude ever rubs you the wrong way then by all means you can dislike me as a person and choose to not read the book. I simply do not care because I am a normal person who decided to write this bs one day. So as a normal person I am going to always speak my mind if I please. However I am viewed because of that is how I'll be viewed. I won't change my opinion, hold my tongue, and be a completely different person for the sake of being liked by readers.

-Your annoyed and tired author (lovelyxkatsuki)

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