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Here are 10 facts about orcas that will make you go woaaah:::

1) they can recognize themselves in the mirror.

2) recently they have been able to mimic human languages (there's  a full video on youtube too!)

3) the reason why they're known to be mean isn't that they kill almost  every single creature in the ocean but because sometimes they just do it for fun😵‍💫 ..I mean... imagine just teasing someone to death for fun..that's some mafia stuff 😳.

4) they don't eat humans , yes yes there have been cases of fatal attacks on humans but they were in captivity! #free orcas

5) females lead the pod! Go go girl!

6) they're tail slap hits harder than midlife crisis ! Yes they can fly bottlnose  dolphins by their tail slap.

7) there have been  some wholesome orca-human interactions  outside captivity !

8) they bully sharks so bad that sharks wouldn't return to orca dominated waters for 2 years if they escape the attack!

9) humpback whales usually disrupt their hunt whenever they get an opportunity as revenge against killing their calfs 🥺.

10)  they are family cuties 😍  family means everything!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2023 ⏰

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