chapter 1

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Becka trisha woke up tired,she could not remember what had happened the previous night.The only thing she remembers is partying with her friends in a club called ‘gota's city’.
she was twenty one and lived alone in Jamhuri streets block fifteen,Nairobi.
Becka wore her slippers and went to the dining room,in a low tone she called Anne who was her house keeper.Anne was tall and heavyset.“can you please remind me how i came home yesterday?”Becka asked her and she responded that her boyfriend,Mike dropped her with his car and they took her to bed.Becka studies at the University of Nairobi  and was already getting late for her afternoon classes.Damn!she hated the fact that she studies with Mike because
he would always involve himself too much in her life.
Becka cheats with another man called Tim who is twenty six and rich.She went to her room and dressed in a black trouser and a gucci clinched waist top.she usually clad when it comes to dress codes.After her lesson,she had a date with Tim.Becka's best friend lucy was also dating Tim but neither were aware that they were dating the same guy.
“ma'am Becka,Mike is already here to pick you up,”
“will be there in a minute,”
Mike was welcomed in, he always thought he knew what's best for Becka but on the other hand Becka thought that he was just being overprotective.
hi hun,”Mike greeted her as he leaned and gave her a forehead kiss.They took cappuccino and left using Mike's brand new mercidez benz.
two tequila shots please,”she ordered before her date arrived.In an early age she had a post- traumatic stress disorder after witnessing her best friend,sheila ran over by a white Subaru car that was over speeding.She got affected mentally by the unsudden fate and for the past seven years she went to therapy sessions and later got well.
“ooh! there you are dumbass,”
“am sorry for taking too long,i had some urgent business i had to attend to real quick,” Tim said as he took a seat next to her.He looked at Becka imagining how she would take the news of him dating her best friend.Becka would definitely go bonkers if she found out the damn truth of course.She would literally kill Tim.After their long chats she ordered a meal and whiskey.While taking her meal she thought of Mike who she had lied to about going to a girls night out and yet she was with this god-damned cute guy on a date!she had to tell him the truth.she had to break the news to him!
so i have this interesting and good offer that would help you earn,” He said.“we don't have a make-up artist and my team and I would appreciate if you agreed since the next beauty contest is in a weeks time,” He continued.
“of course I would be happy to help,”
Tim paid the bill and offered to drop Becka but she insisted on taking a taxi  they said goodbye and parted ways.She got home and wore her PJs and then went to finish up a Netflix series.

“Another fuckin normal day as usual,”she said lying on her fancy luxurious bed.she had to make plans and figure out what she would do during the day or else grow old without exploring the real world!she finally decided she would go and take caffeé latte at satini the visit lucy later.
she put her favourite song by Jennifer Lopez.
boyyy I ain't your mama nooo...she sang and wore jeans and black heels that she had imported from Dubai.Not to forget, make-up. she applied her mascara and shaped her eyebrows then remembered the 'coup de théãtre'( which was french for something very dramatic in a a show) that she had watched,it was the best on a rate of 9/10 according to her.she informed Anne about her leave and went.Becka loved Anne and trusted her completely since she had always been faithful to her since day one.
On her way she decided to inform Lucy about her visit but unfortunately her iphone's battery was low and so planned to surprise her instead.
how may i help you ma'am,” the waiter asked.
I am looking for a private room with air conditioner,”
then you are at the right place,follow me,” He told her admiringly.
She ordered omelette which was her favourite and went to the balcony and enjoyed the view.Gosh!she loved views.
Later on,she went to the cashier and paid for a take away Martini for Lucy.
Lucy had blonde hair, was curvy and big-boned.She had fingers that were perfect for advertising rings!
She reached Lucy's apartment and rang the doorbell.
surprise dummy!”
“Beckaa,i did not expect you today,i have not seen you of late since you know ..the party..”
She got in and lucy went for two shot glasses, poured martini then cheered.
The two ladies chatted and later decided to watch a Netflix series 'Kaleidoscope'.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2023 ⏰

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