Chapter 1

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10 years later.

"Run, Sun! Run!" We will keep them at bay!" IN pants as he closed the taxi door.

Drive now! Take care! We'll go from there! Felix shouted.

The driver accelerated towards the airport. Sunoo dashed into the entrance, not looking back!

I'm sorry, Dad! He thought to himself as he boarded the plane.

When he entered the cabin, he realized that everyone was staring at him.

Oh my God! I'm still dressed in my white tux! WTH! He cursed himself. Thank goodness IN gave me his sunglasses and hoodie.

He quickly put it on and searched for for an empty seat, which he found next to a man wearing a face mask and sunglasses.

Hello, is this seat still available? He inquired when the young man simply gazed at him and then turned around.

He was ready to go in search of for another empty seat when he heard the pilot say.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome aboard Flight EN7 from Los Angeles to Seoul. We are presently second in line for take-off and should be in the air in about seven minutes. Please tighten your seatbelts and stow any luggage below your seat or in the overhead bins at this time. We also request that your seats and table trays be upright for take-off. Turn off all personal electrical devices, including laptop computers and mobile phones. Smoking is not permitted throughout the flight. Thank you for flying with BeLift Airlines. Enjoy your flight."

Sunoo was forced to sit down as the surprised man glanced at him.

What? Sunoo inquired.

I didn't say yes! He responded.

What's the matter with this guy? What a jerk! Sunoo mused to himself.

Yeah, I know, but I still welcomed myself. Sunoo rolled his eyes and looked out the window.

"Hey miss, are there any vacant seats left?" the young man inquired of the steward.

I'm sorry, sir, but I believe all of the seats are taken, the stewardess said as she walked away.

Sunoo simply smiled triumphantly and laughed sarcastically!

As the plane was ready to take off, the young man sighed and placed a book in front of his face.


Sunoo, what the heck did you do to your hair? His dad's voice was laced with fury.

Oh, this? I had it permanently colored; do you like it? Sunoo lied as he concentrated on his piano playing.

If you think this would end the engagement, you're mistaken, he howled back.

Yeah, whatever, dad, why don't you simply sell me instead! As he marched towards his room.

Sunoo, come back here, young man! His father yelled as Sunoo shut the door.

Later that afternoon,

Are you insane? What would you do? Felix quickly gasped when he heard Sunoo's idea, his Australian accent audible.

There is one location where my dad would never anticipate me to be.

And where exactly is that? Neverland? IN inquired cynically.

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