Chapter 7

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Mateo's POV

It was quiet, just how he liked his mornings. He felt that this day was going to be great, and he woke up without anybody in his bed. He got out of bed and flashed out of the house to his favorite spot.

He sat there thinking about his day. Did he have anything that would bother him? Then he remembered he had a board meeting and he wanted to look into having a cleaner for his house for everyday. Nothing to worry about, he loved board meetings and he had Dawn for those kind of jobs.

He took a big sigh and looked over the whole city. He liked it here, it was quiet and peaceful. He got off the tree and went back to prepare his notes for the meeting. He went to the shower, instead of turning cold water on he turned the hot one. He was in a good mood. His life was entertaining again.

He got out of the shower and Ed had already put his suit on his bed, black and white and pressed. He didn't know what he'd do without Ed. He smiled and wore the suit. He looked really regal in it, he looked himself over in the mirror one last time before he went to the kitchen.

" You look like you have the world's problems on your shoulder." he mocked Chase

" Weren't you supposed to slick your hair back?"

" Why would I do that?"

"You do what you want." He went over to the tap and turned the tap on.

" When are you heading back?"

" Today. I'll be gone before you're back."

" Great! Is the girl gone already?"

" Yep."

" Comeon Chase." He patted his back, " Don't sulk. You know what. Let's have fun before you leave. You choose the place and I'll be there."

He smiled,"Great."

" Don't go around sulking over girls. It's not your style."

" Like you've never sulked over girls before. It's fine, I'm over her."

" I knew you would. Let me go and I'll see you later."

" You're in a good mood."

" Well life is good."

He sat down on his chair in the board room. Everyone was already in theirs, they were just waiting on him.

" We may start." He said

" We're seeing an increase in our sales ever since we introduced our product for the winter season. Our summer products have all sold out."

" What about the Wryes' product."

" If you think about it Bob, they are advertising for us. They publicly called us out and told the whole world that their product was better than ours. People will want to compare and that is good for us." He stretched his hands

" Yes Mateo I get it but that means Wryes will also sell."

" Being at the top is boring if there's no competition Bob. They help us ugrade and keep being better so let them sell as well." He confidently stated

" You're too naive Mateo." Bob said

This what he liked, some old guy always trying to dethrone him and say he's not fit to run his company. The one he started by himself using all his money.

" I still stand by what I said, I think you're too young to run this company."

He laughed. It was very amusing, considering that he was at least 5 decades older than him.

" Bob, I started this company and I've been the CEO since. Have you ever perharps seen the profits decline or something?"

The boardroom was in a murmur.

" Instead you enjoy the money and go on holidays almost every month and you get to afford the rich lifestyle you and your wife live. So tell me Bob, do you still want me to step down?"

Everyone was quiet, he loved putting them in their places. The meeting went on for another hour to vote for the marketing strategies of the winter products. He left immediately after like he always did, he had no intention of sharing pleasantries with any of them. Dawn followed him to his office.

" You have a meeting with Bradley from Corp and a..."

"I need cleaners for my house..."

" Are your current ones not doing a great job?"

" Permanent cleaners."

" I'll look for cleaning agencies for you."

"I don't want cleaning agencies, they don't do a great job and it should just be one or two cleaners. You should personally screen them. You should trust them."

" How soon do you want them?"

" Immediately and don't fire the weekend ones."

" I will issue the memo right away."

" And reschedule my afternoon meetings."

" Yes Sir."

He cracked his knuckles and read the minutes of the board meeting because he was hardly listening. Then his meeting began. He discussed a few proposals with Bradley and ended the meeting. It was lunchtime, he got in the elevator and went straight home.

" Finally. Don't you get bored wearing suits all day?"

" I do actually but it's better than just hanging around all day. I'd go crazy."

" Okay. I planned the party."

" I'll go change, where are we going?"

" Nowhere."

" What do you mean nowhere?"

" The party is coming to us."

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