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Josephine Dupont, is the daughter of the most powerful mafia boss of france. Her mother was a famous Italian Actress, and she wasn't ready to have to responsability of having a child.

So, she gave josephine, to her sister. Who had a daughter and a son around her age. Josephine was too young to realize it wasn't her real mother. So, she grew up in Italy, with "her parents and siblings".

Josie, was a tough girl. She's 21 years old. She grew up boxing in the streets of Italy, hanging out in Milano. Unlike her other siblings who we're spoiled.
Josie had an incredible beauty, everyone was amazed by how beautiful she was. But her parents didn't like the attention she had. So, they bought for her siblings prettier clothes and taught them etiquette.

Raymond, in the other side. He was 22 years old. He was a cold, and the ruthless son of the Italian Mafia. He didn't like the etiquette, and prefered hanging out in the streets of Milano.
He had dark curls, and veiny hands. All the girls wanted him for his beauty and money.

Raymond's Pov :

*It was 1am, the streets we're dark already. Raymond was drinking in a local bar, when he spotted a girl. It was a guitarist, she was playing <<do i wanna know?>>, she had bangs and people we're shouting her name. "JOSIE! JOSIE!"*

Raymond : Damn..her name is josie.. Wait, what am i thinking? What the hell..Raymond..Are you in love?? Could it be..? No. It's probably the Vodka. I have a strange feeling about this girl.

*He notices the change in Josie's expressions when she spots someone in the crowd. It's like, she was furious. The other band members noticed that too, and started whispering. Who's that person? Why is josie mad?*

*The band starts playing <<Blood // Water>>, Josie starts playing her electric guitar. Someone unplugs the main singer's microphone. The only plugged micro was Josie's. She had to sing to save the band. All the members we're looking at Josie with pleading eyes. She shrugs "what? are you serious right now??". The crowd starts cheering her name, she frowns at the members. And starts singing. Her voice was strong and dominant, it was perfect. Everyone was amazed. Raymond could hear the anger in her voice.*

Josie's Pov :

Josie : What does it always have to be me? Saving everyone's butt. And what is she doing here... I'm so dead after this shit.

*As she finishes, she goes backstage. And Raymond could see her disappearing between the crowd and leaving from the backdoor. As he follows her, she pins him on the wall with incredible force.*

Josie : Why are you following me, Stronzo? (Asshole)

Raymond : No, I'm not following you...fine, i am. I just wanted to talk..

Josie : Who are you?

Raymond : Do you seriously do not know who i am?

Josie : Why should i know your name, dumb ass. Talking about arrogance. I don't have time for this bullshit.

Raymond : Fine, at least. Just give me your number. And I'm sorry we got off on the wrong foot. I'm Raymond Antonov.

Josie : Antonov? I don't know where i heard that before. But I'm Josephine Dupont.


Josie : Dupont..wait i forgot i shouldn't say that.. I'm Josephine Baudelaire.

Raymond : You can't fool me. You're the "Josephine Dupont". And why shouldn't you say that?

Josie : My mother tells me to not say it. And also what do you mean by "The Josephine Dupont"? Am i popular in another universe?

Raymond : No, don't you get it? You're the daughter of the most powerful mafia boss of france. Your father has been looking for you for ages since your mother passed away.

Josie : I think you have the wrong person, my parents aren't dead and my father is italian. Not french.

Raymond : And does it explain how you have a different last name of your other siblings? And how your "mother" tells you to not tell anyone your last name. Does it make sense for you??

Josie : This is absolutely ridiculous. I'm 21, they would've told me. And if my father is "the most powerful mafia boss of france". He would've found me for ages. And how do you know all this..? Are you working for him??

Raymond : No, my father and your father have been like brothers. And i remmember, that they would talk about you really often. I think your father would be really happy if he found you.
I'm sure about it. Now, can i get your number?

Josie : Alright, here's my number if you have any informations. And if you're just one of those obsessed stalkers who pretend they are someone else. I'll break your skull.

Raymond : Calm down, Cruel Beauty. I promise. I am who i am.

Josie : You better be, i warned you once. I wouldn't have to do it twice. *she does a death stare*

Raymond : How shocking, you have the same personnality and death stare as your father.

Josie : I'll get going now, idiota, ricordati anche il mio avvertimento. (dumbass, also remmember my warning.)

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