I'm Good: Chapter 3

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A Tale Of The Past

"Neil, Honey, let's just run away! We don't stand a chance against him! Our little Nigell will be better off with a normal life. Melanie, shall we?"

"Professor Heine! I'm confused, why is x = 40? Why can't x be x?" Prince Leonhard complained. "Because, Your Majesty, x = 3 Sachertorte + 19 Sachertorte multiplied by 2. So every 1 Sachertorte is equal to 2. So 20 Sachertorte x 2 = 40. X can't be X because X = Sachertortes," Heine explained in Leonhard's language. "I thought I knew what was going on, but now I don't," exclaimed Litch.

"Nigell dear, don't overeat, okay? You'll end up with tooth decay! If you're a good boy, Daddy will always get you yummy treats!"

"Your Majesty, we still haven't located the sender." The servant guiltily admitted defeat in the matter. "That's alright. I know you tried," The King replied. "Your Majesty! We found him! We found the sender!" Another guard rushes in. "Well, then bring him in!" the King ordered. "There may be a problem with that, Your Highness. He lives on the Adel-Milianze border." The man hesitantly replies.

"Mummy, Daddy! Wake up. Stop, it hurts! Daddy! Oww, everything's turning black. Help!"

"Oh my," said the king, not knowing what to say. No Glanzeirich citizen was allowed on those territories. I guess I'll need to write an official request for an audience with His Majesty Louise. It's risky, but it was worth it, or millions could lose their lives.

"They deserved it, those traitors! Son, the world is unforgiving! You must do all necessary, even if it means going berserk to keep all in your palms."

"Litch, can you stop flooding your room with girls! How disgraceful of you!" Bruno scolded Litch. "Come on Brunni! It's not just any girls. It's my lady friends!"

"Now that those fools are gone from the face of this world, we shall rule it! And I shall continue your legacy, Father!"

Heine was out on an afternoon stroll, munching on his usual snack, a hotdog. Pondering about life and admiring the vast skies. At least, that was what he intended. The word of war clouded his mind. The sound of suffering rang in his ears. The feeling of poverty twisted his guts. The smell of death filled his nose. For some reason, death was something he seemed to know very well. Not that he knew why. It was just so familiar.

"What should we do with the bodies?" "Throw them into the river down the greenery, Gareth! They'd do a good job clearing out the area of life. Those worthless things! Filthy imposters! Dirty even after their deaths! A Witch, a Magician, and their Demonic Son!"

"Aah!" squealed Litch at the sight of a little bug on the counter. "You're scared of a bug, Richie?" Mused his co-workers. Heine gave a glance, taking his eyes off the papers strewn on the table. Café Mitter Meyers! A fine place to take a break from your own workplace! Heine agrees. While babysitting the prince, he got to enjoy his latte peacefully.

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