Keira's Sick - wonze

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It was 1 am and Keira still couldn't get to sleep. Her stomach was constantly churning and the nauseous feeling would not go away. She was currently lying on her and Lucy's bed, sipping her water bottle gingerly, breathing heavily and trying not to throw up when she realised that she had finished her water. This meant getting up, and that meant she might wake Lucy. The last thing Keira wants is to be babied by Lucy because she feels ill. Still, the water seemed to be helping her stomach, so she needed to get another bottle. Slowly, Keira got out of bed and made her way to their kitchen and towards the fridge, getting a fresh bottle of water. Once she had opened it and taken a sip, the nausea came straight back to her and she quickly sat down on the grey sofa. Sitting there with her head in her hands, occasionally sipping the water was where Lucy found her girlfriend.

She had been awoken when she heard Keira getting up and leaving their room and thought nothing of it, but when she didn't return after a few minutes, Lucy became concerned.

"Hey Ke, you alright?" Lucy asked from the entrance. Keira hadn't noticed her and wondered how long she had been standing there. She didn't want to tell Lucy that she felt ill, having often kept her emotions and feelings to herself, however, Lucy had known her for so long and could read her like an open book, and always knew when she felt anything other than content. Another wave of nausea swept over Keira and she finally gave in to telling Lucy, feeling as though she needed her girlfriend's help.
"I don't feel well," she replied quietly to Lucy. Her eyes were pricked with tears and she felt too weak to hold them back. Lucy noticed instantly that Keira had started crying, and walked quickly but calmly over to her as her body shook gently.
"Come here, baby" Lucy beckoned, opening her arms, and enveloping Keira in a strong and comforting hug.

Keira rose from her position on the sofa and stood there in Lucy's embrace for what felt like hours but realistically was less than a minute before nausea overtook her body and she let out a small groan. She hoped Lucy wouldn't hear it but was proved wrong by her next question.

"What's bothering you? Your stomach?" Keira nodded into Lucy's chest. "Do you feel like you might throw up?" Again she nodded, this time less forcefully. The last thing she wanted was for her girlfriend, Lucy FREAKING Bronze, to see her be sick, but denying it wouldn't have made Keira feel any better so she gave in to her feelings and finally began to allow herself to admit she was quite ill. The next thing she knew was that Lucy was carefully guiding her to the bathroom before sitting her down on the floor. By now it was at least half past 1 and both Lucy and Keira were exhausted but Lucy wasn't going to leave her poor girlfriend's side anytime soon and Keira definitely wasn't going to sleep soon in her current state.

Keira was sitting by the toilet, shaking and gagging, but nothing was coming up so Lucy suggested she try and get a little bit of sleep. Keira gladly agreed, and soon she was fast asleep with her head in Lucy's lap, still sitting on the bathroom floor. Seeing Keira asleep gave some comfort to Lucy and even she managed to get some sleep, whilst still keeping one eye open.

Keira had only been asleep for a little over half an hour when she woke suddenly, her stomach churning uncomfortably. She carefully sat up and leaned over the porcelain bowl, waiting expectantly for something to happen. Lucy sensed her movement and opened her eyes to Keira leaning over the toilet, shivering slightly. She sat up and started rubbing her lower back. Keira leaned forward and gagged one more time before something finally came up.
Very slowly, everything she had eaten in the last 24 hours was being puked back into the toilet. The whole process took about an hour and a half because her body was very reluctant to let herself throw up and she also found it kind of scary since the last time she had thrown up was a good few years ago. Lucy never left her side the whole time, whispering soft words of comfort in her ear, holding her hair, and gently rubbing her lower back. Keira felt so sorry for her girlfriend as she had also gotten practically no sleep, and she was supposed to be going to training in the morning. She tried telling Lucy that she could handle it herself and that Lucy could go back to bed but she wasn't making a very convincing case as she was still being sick and crying.

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