Chapter 1

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I was going to the library,  took a book, sat down to read. "By America..." Is this a shitty book Ame made? I scanned to book and walked down to the park. I was winter, so it was very cold today, 2 degrees! I looked around, and saw...something, I stared at it for a few minutes. I walked, and kept staring at it. I didn't watch where I went...

I took off my scarf, Put it in my bag, and suddenly I bumped into someone. I didn't know that my diary fell out! "Oh my Lord! Are you okay!?" He asked. What should I say!? I scratched my arm... This is embarrassing! So many people are watching! Argh! Oh.. I'm bleeding real badly..! He noticed that my arm bleed... So he got out a bandage and wrapped my arm. My face turned red. "Sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going..."  He said.
"It's okay, thank you for the bandage..."

I picked up a light-pink diary. "Mine now" I said. I really liked to read books, especially diaries! Like 'The Diary of Anne Frank.' I walked home, embarrassed.

I opened the door. I didn't bother saying 'Hello,' or 'Hey Denmark!' To my brother. "Hi Greenland!" Denmark greeted. I just walked upstairs. I opened the diary, '12th of June: I feel different... It's like I'm alone, but I'm fine with that...' I read the whole page. But I kept reading 'It's like I'm alone, but I'm fine with that...' Wow, this person has neat writing! I read the back of the book. 'Antartica, coldest place on earth,' Antartica? Who the heck is that!? I went downstairs. "Are you still made I woken you up at 3:15 in the morning!?" Denmark asked. "I have that morning-mood on, Dumbass." I said, harshly.

"Who is Antertuca?" I asked. "It's Antartica, not Antertuca" Denmark replied. "Whatever, I want to meet them. Anyway, I found their diary, I'm not going to keep it."

"I'll bring you to their house. You guys can hangout. Anyway, Me and Sweden are starting to date. So if Antartica wants you to come, let it be so! I'll drive you, little brother."

I texted if my brother can come to Antartica's house. She said yes. So I'll do the best for my little brother!

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