Chapter 1

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Marinette's fists were clenched at her sides and her bluebell eyes were blazing with an unbridled rage. Lila was going to pay for making her girlfriend cry.

Growling under her breath yet again, the goth girl set her steamy gaze upon her kwami. "Would it be okay if Shadybug teaches Lila a very valuable lesson?" She asked this question with an innocent smile on her face.

Normally, Tikki would be against this kind of thing, but after seeing how much pain both her charge and her girlfriend were being subjected too, Tikki let all caution fly out the window like a swarm of Kamikos.

"Tikki, Blots On!" Marinette cried into the crisp night air as the transformation washed over her like a warm blanket.

"Time to teach this little fox why you shouldn't mess with a superhero!" Shadybug muttered quietly to herself as she latched her yo-yo onto a nearby rooftop.

The first place she headed was to find Claw. She was going to need his help along with Betterfly.

Lucky for Shadybug, it didn't take her long to find Claw. He was in his civilian form, making out with Kagami. Ugh! Why now, of all times?

She swung down to the ground and put two fingers to her mouth and whistled. "Hey lovebirds! I'm gonna need your help with something!" She told them once they had turned to face her.

Adrian blinked and stared at her with a confused look on his face. "What's up Cockroach?"

Shadybug scowled and narrowed her red eyes at him. "There's no time be be playing around Kitty Catty!" She huffed and turned her gaze toward the sky.

"Now come on, we need Betterfly to help us out too!" She then swung away before either Emo Adrian or Kagami could say a word.

Once they had met up with Betterfly, Shadybug discussed what her plan was to both of them.

"You want me to make a portal?" He asked the spotted hero, who was staring up at him with a fiery look in her eyes.

Shadybug simply nodded her head while Claw looked at her like she had lost her mind. It kinda scared him a little.

"Yes, and I need to send a message to someone." Was all the answer she gave to the butterfly miraculous holder.

"Who's the message for?" Claw spoke up in an attempt to break the awkward silence that followed his partner's statement.

"You'll see, Kitty Catty." She told him simply. "It involves Lila."

Claw just blinked up at Shadybug. "What do you want with Lila?"

Shadybug held back a frustrated sigh and turned to face her partner. "I'm gonna teach her a lesson she'll never forget!" She growled the last part under her breath. "And maybe Ladybug and Cat Noir can help us with taking her down once and for all."

"Well at least you're not chucking weapons at people's face anymore." Claw muttered with a nervous laugh. "But I'm still a bit on edge." He frowned worriedly and shifted from foot to foot. "What exactly are planning to do Cockroach?"

The black and red spotted superhero groaned in frustration. "Just shut up and you'll learn soon enough!" She glared angrily at him and crossed her arms. "And who said I wouldn't use any weapons?" She added shortly afterwords with a mischievous gleam in her red eyes.

"But we're not supervillains any more Cockroach," Claw reminded her with a nervous expression forming on his face. "We're superheroes! What the hell did Lila do to piss you off so much?"

Shadybug's shoulders fenced and her red eyes flashed like a raging fire as she looked back to face her partner. "She threatened Juleka!" She almost shrikes, her eyes blazing with hot white fury at the mention of the lying little bitch.

As the two young superheroes were talking, Betterfly had sent a Kamiko to Alya, who made a portal to the same world the three of them had visited just a few months before.

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