1 || Persuading

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Nemuri's POV: I went up to my sisters room hoping she was able to get at least an hour of sleep

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Nemuri's POV:
I went up to my sisters room hoping she was able to get at least an hour of sleep. I knew her insomnia would give her a hard time sleeping but I hope she still got some shut eye.

I opened the door and saw my sister laying in bed on her phone, the bags under her eyes very visible. "Good morning?" I let out sounding more like a question.

I turned around once I heard my sisters voice "morning" I said in a raspy voice from staying up almost all night. "What's up?" I asked while sitting up on the bed

"Did you even get any sleep last night?" She asked me while leaning on my door frame. "Obviously, if I didn't then my eyes wouldn't look as bad as it does now" I replied while putting down my phone and looking her in the eye.

"How much sleep did you get?" She asked yet another question as she kept eye contact with me somehow. I mumbled something under my breath so she couldn't hear me "Huh?" She said while leaning closer t hear me "Five minutes!" I yelled a quietly since my voice hurt from training.

"Still not enough time to sleep little sis" she said as she sat on the side of my bed and patted my head "If you weren't a girl I'd use my quirk on you so you could sleep" She said while ruffling my head, making my hair more frizzy and fluffy that it already was.

I let out a frustrated groan as I tried to get away from her, but to my dismay she pulled me closer into a tight hug and ruffled my hair up more

"C'mon sis don't be an Aizawa 2.0" She said in a playful manner, Wait a minute who or what is Aizawa?

"Don't be a what 2.0?" Was I hallucinating? Was the lack of sleep finally getting to me?

"Oh Aizawa, he's on of my co-workers back at UA, and you remind me so much of him!" She said as she loosened the hug a bit. "And we are similar how?" I questioned as I finally decided to give up and not even fight back anymore

"Well for starters you both have insomnia," She started as I groaned, "Not all people who have insomnia are the sam-" I was going to say "Shut up and let me finish!" She cut me off before I could finish my sentence.

I shut my mouth and flinched a bit when she screamed right next to my ear "Geez okay continue," I said while resting in her arms "Okay anyways as I was saying, you both have insomnia, you both hate socializing, you both love cats, hate most people, both are not well known pro hero's," I listened to her compare me and this Aizawa guy and it did seem like we have a lot of similarities.

"You guys should meet one day!" She suddenly said while hugging me tighter in excitement "Woah, woah, woah, calm down I don't even know the guy at all and plus, since he has insomnia, is a pro-hero, AND a teacher I doubt he will even have time to meet outside of school" I said as I relaxed in her touch again when she loosened it again

"Why don't you work at UA then?" She asked with a clear glint of excitement in her eyes. I thought about it for a second and decided, "Hell no" I said while looking up at her

"But why?" She asked, dragging the 'y' out "It'll be fun I promise!" She begged more, she seemed like she really wanted you to work at UA

"Fine but if it gets tiring and bored, I'm quitting" I said while looking up at her again and seeing the happy glint in her eyes once more

"Yay! Thank you sis It's gonna be so fun working with you


Yooooo this is my 4th ff and updates might be slow bc i have school and shii but I made some other ff's if you guys are intrested, I also have some reading lists too so yall can read that while you wait for me to publish a new chapt. Also please dont be a silent reader, vote or even comment! N E WAYS BAIIIII see u in the next chapt.

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