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Growing up in a middle to high-class family, Korey was a pretty exceptional young man. He was always filled with joy; when encountering Korey, it would never be a dull moment. All through school, Korey exceeded his parents and his teachers' expectations. He found every subject to be interesting, especially English. Sports weren't his forte; nonetheless, Korey participated. "An idle mind is the devil's playground," his mom would always tell him.

Trying to get ahold of Korey was a hassle; as a grade school student, you would think he worked multiple jobs, but he didn't. Sports, homework, and recreational reading kept him pretty busy. Reading was a favorite pastime, from comic books and novels to the most profound literature. Challenging his mind to think beyond the storyline was a natural high that you would think a child his age wouldn't care to experience, but oh, was he different.

Since the fourth grade, Korey knew he was different from the other boys. All of the boys had girlfriends, and although he tried, it never just fully clicked for him. In the sixth grade, Korey had his first kiss with another boy named Travis. Travis was attracted to Korey and made sure Korey knew. One night at the middle school basketball game, Travis made his advance onto Korey. He did not object at all!

Kissing Travis was the light that sent the fireworks into the sky. It was then that he knew he was attracted to boys. However, Korey knew this wouldn't go over so well with his family. Being young, black, gay, and living in a predominantly Christian household brought its own set of challenges. Korey wasn't not ready to face those challenges, so he kept this to himself.

We can be dealt the best hand ever in life, but all it takes is one traumatic experience to change our whole world. Korey had a pretty decent life growing up, and then things took a turn for the worse. One night turned his entire world upside down. His family and friends have noticed the change but don't know why the shift. Suppression of thoughts, feelings, and emotions; it can cause you to make decisions in life without considering the consequences. Korey has a long journey ahead of him, and this is just the beginning

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