Chapter 1: The Closing Statements

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As I quickly went back to my seat with the other jurors, the judge Stone Cold Steve Austin sat in his seat and said, "As this trial is coming to the end,  we're be hearing the closing statements. Can the prosecutor please deliver your closing statement?"

"Thank you, your honor. " the prosecutor said with a grin on his face, but it was an arrogant one, not a confident one, and I know why. The prosecutor was Gary the Rat, formerly known as Gary Andrews. A man, who woke up one day to find out that he turned into an anthropomorphic rodent. I believe that it was karma that punished this self-centered and misanthropic man, but it sadly didn't have an effect on him. "Your honor, the peoples of the jury and  ladies and gentlemen, during the past few weeks, you have seen the undoubtedly proof of guilt that humanity has seen to date. Mark Grayson and his father haven't seen eye to eye since Omni-man has revealed to the world his true intentions on why he's on earth. After having seen the death of innocent people killed by his own dad to show him that human life is not worth saving  and being beaten to a pulp, Mark had decided on the night of November 12th, 2022 to stab his own father to death in a fit of rage. You'll probably going to say, "Oh, he probably killed his father to prevent him from causing more harm " but this isn't the case, he did it because he was embarrassed that he got his ass beaten so easily. And even if your answer was the reason,  that doesn't mean that it wasn't a crime either way. From his weak alibi, the fact that the knife he owns is the murder weapon, and the witnesses who saw him commit the crime in question,  my fellow members of the jury... The answer is simple. This man is guilty, and the sooner he's in jail, the sooner the population of this fine town will realize that murdering someone just because they kicked your ass isn't the right thing to do. I'm done, your honor. "

"That was quite an amazing case you made, Mr.Andrews but it wouldn't be fair for the jury to make a decision without the closing statement from the defense. It's your turn, Mr. Goodman." Judge Austin said to Mark's defense attorney, Saul Goodman, a man that I find to be not qualified to even be a lawyer, but then again, Gary the Rat is a lawyer, so I shouldn't be surprised at this point.

"Thank you, your honor, and may I  say that unlike the prosecution,  I have been a fan of your work in the ring. You really lay down the law..." Saul Goodman only to have Judge Austin reply, " Flattering won't help you win this case, Mr Goodman. "

"Right, I should stay on topic. Your honor, the members of the jury, ladies, and gentlemen, it would be crazy to even consider the final statement that the prosecution has made and take it as fact. I mean, Mr. Andrews is a misanthropic rat. He doesn't care about humanity. He cares about what happens to your siblings,  parents, grandparents,  children, and your niece and nephew... But my client does, and he'll do everything in his powers to protect the human race at all cost. Now, I'm not trying to apply that he killed his father because if I did believe he did, do it... I wouldn't be his defense attorney now, would I? Mr. Andrews has stated that he thinks my client had supposedly stabbed his father to death because he got his ass kicked, but my client didn't murder his father. I believe it's more likely it was some nut job who saw the news, saw  Omni-Man killing innocent lives... Lives that Mr. Andrews doesn't think it's worth avenging, I may add, but the nut job that killed Omni-Man believed that the victims of Omni-Man's reckless and cruel actions deserved justice. What I'm trying to say here is that if someone needs to kill innocent people to prove  that human lives aren't worth saving, is there really a point in saving their? Don't say "Not guilty " for my client but for the family of the victims of Omni-Man's cruelty. Thank you."

As Saul Goodman sat down next to Mark Grayson, I was quite pleasantly surprised at the points Mr. Goodman made... good points that may have just helped me see what the truth really was.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2023 ⏰

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