[1] Him

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You and I were as bright as the sky
We were so happy
Not knowing we'll end up like the night sky

You courted as i decide
I'm not ready, Still can't decide
You courted as you reside
You're ready, Waiting for me to decide

Dirty jokes, left on read
Heavenly attitude, left unread
No one knows how much i loved you
Not even you the one who loved me

You're mad that your uncle was stabbed
But my heart was the heart you stabbed
It seemed fine when you're the one who stabs
I asked if everything was fine
You left me unread, it's fine
But when i do it it's out of line

As the nights get colder
My heart gets harder
The days got warmer
So as my heart as it burns hotter

Fake calls, Fake words
You called my mother "Mom"
Followed by sweet fake words
Fake affirmations just to say you do
You said you love me, do you really do?

You lost yourself, You find it
You cut me off as you look for it
I lost myself, i find it
I didn't cut you off, you were it

I found myself on you
You found yourself on her
It's just a cool-off you say
Then why did that burn me everyday

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