The 1 Hour Ritual : How To Play

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To begin the ritual, you will need to summon the souls of the 'Players,' people who attempted the game but failed.

To do this, you will need:

A single white candleA large hourglassBuilding materials such as wood, fabric, and nails

Once you have acquired these items, you will need to wait for the 'Witching hour' (3 AM to 4 AM).

Before placing the lighted candle in the center of your home, representing your soul, you should hold the hourglass above the candle while chanting, 'I seek to do what you could not, to avoid the fate your failures brought,' three times.

After repeating these words three times, you may flip the hourglass, and the game may begin. For the next hour, you will need to use the building materials you have gathered to cover every possible entrance to your home, including windows, doors, peepholes, chimneys, and cracks.

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