➿ႺႹმႼႵჹჁ 5➿

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*Several Hours Later*

Tonie's POV
We had just finished making love, and I was now lying with Kimmy on my lap. She let out a soft whine, holding her belly as I lovingly rubbed it. Jimin then asked if we wanted to take a bath.

I glanced over at him and replied, "I can just take a shower, love. But could you please bathe the baby?"

Seokjin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Namjoon, Jimin, Taehyung, and Jeongguk exchanged looks before Tae spoke up. "We know you can just take a shower, but a bath would be more relaxing, right?"

I giggled and nodded, and Tae got up to take care of Kimmy while I started to get up myself. Jeongguk took my hand gently, and I couldn't help but smile at him. They all quickly prepared a bath for us, and I couldn't help but feel loved and cared for.

As we settled into the bath, I couldn't help but ask, "Loves, have all of you been this big before?"

They all shook their heads, and Kookie explained, "It's an effect of finding our soulmates. It only happens the first time we make love, and we stay this size now."

I nodded, feeling a sense of wonder and awe at this new discovery. Then, I couldn't resist teasing them, "Ooo... Y'all are just as big as my favorite toy."

Jin quickly chimed in, "Which you won't need anymore, right?"

I smiled and replied, "Not unless y'all are too tired."

Yoongi then reminded me, "We're human, and we all get tired."

I nodded in understanding and added, "I just have a high sex drive. But don't worry, y'all can come to me whenever you want to have fun so I won't be too demanding."

Hobi then cautioned, "High sex drive or not, you still need rest. Do you know what happens if you make love too much?"

I nodded and admitted, "I can tear, which hasn't happened before, but it could."

Namjoon then spoke up, "And we don't want to risk it, okay Mamas???"

I nodded in agreement, and once Kimmy and I finished our bath, they all got into bed. As I went to get a snack.

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End Of POV
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