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JD was driving to pop village to get food he does that every often he has not been to pop village for a while he knew it was his home once he got of Rhonda he started shopping he was walking around until he heard a girl

Poppy: excuse me, Mr.

JD: yeah, what is it?

Poppy: I hope I'm not bothering you

JD: you're not so what's wrong

Poppy: Its my friend I think he's sick

JD: what happened? How old are you?

Poppy: 8 and my friend is 10

JD: take me to where he's at and tell me on the way

Poppy: we were playing he doesn't really play often because before we escape the Bergen his grandma was eating by one he told me I feel bad for him and I knew was is wrong because he was acting like this for two weeks and he collapsed and one of my friends told me to go get help you were the first one I saw

JD: oh, I'm sorry to hear that I'll help him does he have any other family members that you know I could take him to

Poppy: no

Cooper: poppy

Poppy: Cooper is branch, OK

JD Hearts drop the friend poppy told him about was none other than his little brother branch

Cooper: the others are looking after him

Poppy: OK I got what's your name

JD: I'm John Dory JD forshort I'm branches brother

Poppy: I didn't know branch had a brother

Cooper: we do now I'm Cooper

Poppy: and I'm Poppy he's this way

Poppy lead JD to Branch who was laying on the grass and was surrounded by his friends

JD: branch, are you OK?

Branch: big.............. brother

JD: " take a thermometer out of his hair and use it to check his temperature" 107 degrees yikes that's bad I'm taking you home

Brench: but I want to hang out with my friends

JD: you can play with them later

Poppy: Dad

Peppy: hello, who are you young, sir?

JD: I'm Branch big brother John Dory, JD for short

Peppy: oh so you're roses missing grandson, who ran away

JD: yeah sorry about that

Peppy: it's OK you're here now that important I could take you to the pod he is staying in if you like

JD: no, thanks I gotta a bus and I don't wanna leave her alone too long

Peppy: OK

John, Dory took Branch to Rhonda, who is confuse with who the child was and Branch was frightened by her

JD: it's ok Rhonda will not hurt you

Branch: ok "cough"

JD: let's get you inside

2 hours later

JD: all right, here's dinner

JD has made soup for both him and Branch 🍜🥣🍲 now is the hard part gifting his 10-year-old brother to take it

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