The unexpected guest

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-"What the hell are you doing, you damn bitch!!"-

-"Hey hey hey, don't bang the table here"-

-"You crazy bastards, put down the wine bottle"-

The atmosphere was panic at this tavern, the sounds of broken wine bottles causing the chaos or chairs being pushed over, tables being smashed, a chaotic battle for the drunken demons under the Wrath rings which I'm sure the reason for this war is not any good one, a bunch of drunk men screaming and vomiting , oh dear , how long do I have to work here...

I have had to endure this for many years.

Holding in my hand was a serving tray with a few glasses of beer on it, I had to move quickly to deliver the beer on time but at the same time I had to be careful, if any drunk crazy guy bumped into me I would have to use it all my salary today pays them off.

-"Here you go, sir."-I said as I put the beer down on the old wooden table for the customer.I smiled at him before turning around and serving the remaining tables.

Went back and forth a few times until the serving tray was almost empty, only a small glass of whiskey remained on it. If I remember correctly, this glass of whiskey probably belonged to the man wearing a gray hat who looked like a cowboy sat at the table in the corner.

Just need to serve this glass of whiskey and I can go inside to clean up and finish my shift, it's quite late now and I need to go back to rest before getting ready for tomorrow's morning shift.

-"Here you go."-I said and smiled at him as I put down the glass of whiskey , he raised his head to reveal a handsome face with messy ivory hair, he was wearing a brown poncho with a regional old west style.

-"Thank darlin' "-He smile and picked up the glass of whiskey.

-"Sorry for the delay, it's a bit chaotic here."-I said, he was almost the earliest to order but was served the last. What can I say, I don't want to do that either but the other guests are very hot-tempered and those crazy people are drunk, only Satan knows how crazy they can be if I serve them a little late . On the contrary, this man looked quite quiet, maybe he could wait a bit.

-"I can understand the reason."-He said with a smirk.

-"Say , do you know the man who is holding that chair?"-He said and rolled his eyes to the imp with white hair who was holding a chair in his hand and screaming, of course I know him, a crazy man often goes in here and gets drunk, then breaks things and fights with everyone inside . I don't even know why in hell did I let him in....

-"His name's Cash, he comes here often."-I said, still looking at Cash before turning back to this cowboy.

-"Cash? Cash Carter?"-He asked, his eyebrows raised and looked up at me.

-"Yes, exactly."-I hesitated a bit, if already knew the name, why did he have to ask me? Or does he want to confirm again? , that Cash guy must have done some fucked up shit.

-"Thanks for the confirmation darlin'. " -He said after drinking a glass of whiskey . He then stood up, pulled out an M1875 gun and shot right into Cash's forehead.

I paused for a moment as if I couldn't process what had just happened, one of my customers had just been shot right before my eyes....I reflexively took a few steps back. When I turned back , I could no longer see the cowboy. He disappeared and left only a corpse and a pool of blood on the floor.


It took like forever to clean up the mess on the floor, my back hurt like hell. It's past 12pm and I've finally finished my shift.
I put my tools away and put on my coat, locked the tavern door and walk home.

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