Chapter 5

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A streak of silver light flashed past and knocked me off balance. I stumbled, blinked, and Devlin was gone. Standing alone in on the grass where he was I clucked around. Looking up, down, left and right before understanding he was gone. I was seriously considering getting my eyes checked. I freaked out in a big way; I had no doubt in my mind that Devlin was not who he said he was, And that he was up to something, a 'no good' something. I didn't know what to do. Oh gods, what was I doing? I needed a sign I was going to be okay, and that I was making the right choices. Tomas would have risen by now and would be waiting for me. And here I was looking for a Disciple, who was not really a Disciple, who knew about said vampire in wardrobe, and knew I knew a fairy.

"There you are, Rae."


I jumped and landed at such an odd angle my right foot jack-knifed out painfully, and I fell. How many times was I going to land on my ass today? It was a damn good thing I didn't bruise easy.

A hand appeared in my line of sight. Unsure of what to do, I studied it intently before slowly lifting my head to look at the boy offering it to me.

Long ebony hair pulled into a ponytail, his ears were pointed at the tips and his gold eyes glowed. I had never seen anyone other than myself with such light hazel eyes before. His were striking and almond shaped, like mine. His face was all hard angles, smooth expanses of skin, and incredibly beautiful. Chest bare, his lower body was encased in leather plates intricately engraved with leaves. A sword, the length of my torso and latched to his back, triggered a shudder.

"You have nothing to fear from me." The fairies voice was warm, friendly. "My name is Conall. Breandan sent me."

Conall, I remembered the name. Breandan had said it before, I was sure of it. The fairy didn't make any other move and he seemed friendly, so I swallowed the yell I'd had ready. With my eyes darting from the hand to his face, I clasped it. He yanked me up with more force than necessary, and stumbling over my own foot, I crashed into his chest. I flushed as he clamped a hand around my shoulders, set me away from him, and held on until my legs steadied.

"You guys think it's okay to just pop up out of thin air. It might be normal where you come from, but I'm used to seeing people coming a good few seconds before they're there." Placing a hand on my hip, I clutched the other over my poor, poor heart that may give out any day. "You scared me, do you understand? I don't like it."

He bowed, arm coming across his torso to rest upon his chest. He moved with effortless grace and predatory bearing. A demon. He smiled at me. "It won't happen again. Do not be alarmed, but I sense something, odd." His hands seemed to feel something out in the air in front of me, pushing at it thoughtfully. A crease appeared above his brows in the middle of his forehead. "Its power pulls at my nature then resists contact."

It seemed wise to keep quiet. Maybe I also should have told him I didn't like ambiguous statements.

I filed the phrase away for later and instead took my cue from Conall. His face became grave, so my face became grave. The fairies jumped from one emotion to the other so swiftly it was hard to keep up naturally. I had decided to play monkey see, monkey do. He gazed at me silently for so long, I became uncomfortable. I don't think I would ever master the blink-less stare these demons seemed to be so good at.

"You seem stressed," he said.

"Conall, I've had a hell of a day and you seem to be gearing up to let me in on big demon secrets, but I've got to be honest with you, now is not a good time."

I backed away. I was halfway back to Bayou and it was full dark. I didn't feel any danger from Conall, but I was worried about what Tomas would do if he remained in my room much longer. What if he got hungry? I had to get him out of the Temple as soon as I could. I didn't know what the hell had happened to Devlin, but I was guessing the silver streak was Breandan. If Devlin got away from him he might tell the Clerics I had a vampire in my wardrobe. I had stuff to do, and surely whatever this fairy had to tell could wait a few hours.

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