Chapter 1: A soon to be ending

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The Doctor doesn't like endings.

Sadly, there was yet another one waiting ahead of his road. 

He will never reach his ending, but he will soon reach one of his dearest friend's.

Like many other, Amy was a faithful companion of the Doctor. Along with her, Rory was also a companion of the 11th Doctor. Together, the trio saved countless lives and races. 

But everything has an ending. 

'Right then, the moon anyone?' the Doctor asked sheepishly, 'Or is that too normal...?' 

'Amy?' Rory searched for his wife's opinion.

'Shouldn't it be a more...' Amy smirked, leaning against the supposedly complex Tardis console, 'alien?' 

'How alien?' The childish Doctor questioned, intrigued. 

Amy furrowed her brows. 'I don't know, you're the alien; figure something out!' 

The Doctor furrowed his non-existent brows in reply, 'Oh yea? You're the human, shouldn't you be guiding me when we're on Earth?' 

Amy frowned, 'Uh, Doctor although you act like a child, I'm sure you have enough brains to figure out that us 'humans' have limited memory.' 

Now it was the Doctor's turn to smirk. 'Exactly. I don't have infinite storage space in my brain, oh wait. I do. Do I? Well, I don't seem to remember that time I had to fight a giant wasp. Oh wait I do. Um.' 

Amy's offended face quickly turned to an annoyed one, 'Just shut up and take us somewhere that's alien.' 

'How many times do you have to use the word alien?' Rory struggled to join in the conversation, as always.

The Doctor and Amy stared at him, as always. 

'Sorry there weren't any good conversation joiners- uh... questions left.' Rory attempted to defend himself.

Amy continued to stare at him, while the Doctor started to do his apparently very impressive thing. 

'Will you two stop having a staring contest and come look impressed?! I'm here doing something clever and there's no one to stand around looking impressed; what's the point in having you all?!' 

Amy blinked and immediately rolled her eyes at the Doctor's words. 

'GERONIMO!' The Doctor screamed his iconic catchphrase while taking off, as he always did.

'DOCTOR WAIT!' Amy, who wasn't expecting a sudden take off, screamed louder than the much older man. 

And then there's Rory. As always. Standing around confused. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2023 ⏰

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Timeless Endings: Echoes of Regenerations  [REPUBLISHED]Where stories live. Discover now