Violet Special Gift And The Wool Thief

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Chapter 1:
*In the new beautiful day in Coney Island Beach of New York, in the first Slush Heroes Team Base, Violet check her phone for searching something in the living room*
Violet: Let see. This one? No. This one? Still no. This one? No. How about this one? Wait no, that not what i want. *Keep checking but dissapoint and press to close her phone and put back as her pocket and laying in the sofa, sigh*
Violet: Oh dear, today is ours special wonderful anniversary after we got marries and i want to make something special for my boyfriend Michael, but i don't know which special gift i want to make for him, what should i do?
*She still thinking and suddenly remember something and get up*
Violet: I know! Maybe if i can ask Kiki, she know what to do, because she always say if we and everybody got trouble or problem, she can tell her amazing idea and her amazing planning too. Yes! That it! This is perfect time to ask her for help! *Get up from the sofa* Time to visit and ask her for help! *Run from this base to Slush Kiki Team Base*
Chapter 2:
*Meanwhile in Slush Kiki Team Base, on the living room, Stick Kiki doing knitting needle punch art and then put the thing on the art, then she finish and give to Stickyle, he take and doing frame the art, he give to Stedro and he take, he looking and found the perfect spot of the wall and hang the art on the wall, he stay back and other 2 Slush Fighters get up after cleaning and they look as the wool art painting on the wall with the happy face*
Stick Kiki: Done, I'm finally finish and we have the beautiful needle punch art in the wall, what do you two think?
Stedro: Looking good, i can see everything around the wool art and is look perfect.
Stickyle: Especially you're the talent too, Kiki. We like how you doing everything amazing.
Stick Kiki: Yes, I'm sure about other team member going to like this too.
Stedro and Stickyle: Yeah.
*While the 3 Slush Fighters still enjoy watching the beautiful needle punch art, they hear the music doorbell and turn, Stick Kiki came and open the doors, she surprise to see Violet came to visit but happy*
Violet: Hi Kiki! Good to see you in there!
Stick Kiki: Hi Violet, good to see you too, what make you come there?
Violet: I was run from ours base to you guys base is because i need you and your other team member help.
Stick Kiki: Really? If you need us help, then come in. We can talk about anything you like.
Violet: Ok!
*Violet going inside and Stick Kiki close the doors, the both stick walk inside and she surprise about she saw the beautiful needle punch art on the wall, she enjoy watching and the 3 Slush Fighters smile, then she turn as them*
Violet: Wow, you guys have the beautiful art.
Stick Kiki: Thank you, i make it and they help me to finish the beautiful wool art.
Stedro and Stickyle: That true.
Violet: *Still watching, but remember about other 2 Slush Fighters was here too and turn* Oh my god, hi Pedro and Kyle!
Stedro and Stickyle: Hi Violet!!!
Stedro: What make you come there?
Stick Kiki: She came to ours base for need us help for something.
Stickyle: Really? Why don't you sit down there and you can tell us about what you need us?
Violet: Oh ok.
*They walk to the sofa and sit down, Violet tell them about she want to make the special gift for her boyfriend and also Slush Fighters team member Stick Michael and she keep searching*
Stedro: Oh I'm sure he gonna like your special gift.
Violet: But problem is i don't know which the special gift i should make and make me nervous, is so hard to choose and i don't know if he gonna like this or not.
Stickyle: So that why you so worry and then you came to ours base for need us help?
Violet: Yes, if i don't find the perfect gift for Michael, i can't calm down and make me worry more. Then i came to ask Kiki help me too. *Turn as Stick Kiki* Kiki, please tell me, do you have a idea and what should i do? If you and your 2 amazing friends help, i can do anything and i can help you guys too, we can do anything together like the best team.
Stick Kiki: Oh let me think. *Think and saw the wool stuff on the table, have a new idea* I got it, i know the what the perfect gift for you can make to Michael.
2 Slush Fighters and Violet: Really? What it is?!!!
Stick Kiki: Let go to Paris and we going to find the shop for crafting something amazing and beautiful but the perfect gift, then we gonna make something special and then we gonna doing working together like the best team, but also we can doing the new amazing adventure and new mission but enjoy new wonderful holiday too. I think you guys can come with me for help me too.
Stedro, Stickyle and Violet: If you say that, then ok, we coming!!!
Stick Kiki: Great, let wear the scarf and run to the Magic Portal Gate, we going to Paris of France and doing the new mission today, then we completely ours new mission, we can enjoy watching everything and walking around the Paris too. *Turn as Violet* I think you should wear the scarf and the sweater too.
Stickyle: Oh yeah, because in the France, the winter will come soon and gonna get cold, so we should wear the warm stuff for not get cold.
Violet: I see, if you guys say that, I'm going to get my scarf and my sweater, see you guys outside. *Get up from the sofa and run back to the first Slush Heroes Team Base for get her scarf with her sweater*
Stick Kiki: *Get up from the sofa* Ok guys, let get the scarf and meet Violet in outside, then we going to Paris too.
Stedro and Stickyle: Ok!!! *Get up from the sofa*
*3 Slush Fighters run to the bedroom and open the closet, they searching and found the perfect scarf colors and wear in the neck, they check in the mirror and happy, they run from the bedroom and going outside, she close the doors and they saw Violet came out with her scarf and her sweater, they run to Magic Portal Gate and Stick Kiki say "Paris", the magical light circle glowing around them and teleport them to Paris of France*
Chapter 3:
*Later, they're arrived in Paris of France, Stick Kiki take them around Paris and they found the perfect wool shop*
Stick Kiki: There we are, guys. The perfect wool shop for we can make something amazing together like the best team. *Turn as Violet* Now you can choose and start which the perfect special gift for Michael.
Violet: Wow, that was amazing, but i don't know if i can make the perfect gift, since you can doing anything talent and you're smart too.
Stick Kiki: Don't worry, i can teach you about the knitting the wool and then we can make something amazing but special and beautiful too. And other 2 amazing friends can doing something for fun too.
Stedro: If you said that, this is gonna be fun!
Stickyle: Yeah. *Pat Violet shoulder* You can trust Kiki, she can do anything amazing but special and magical. So you just need to listen Kiki lesson and you can make the perfect gift for him.
Violet: Well, if you guys say that, i think i should try my best.
Stick Kiki: Awesome, but don't need to rush and make sure knitting slowly and calm but chilling too. Come on, guys. Let go inside and ask the shop owner about the wool we need.
2 Slush Fighters and Violet: Ok!!!
*They walk inside the wool shop and confused about the shop was nothing but empty, they found the shop owner name Jessica and she crying on the table, they came and pat her head*
Stedro: Hey, are you ok? Why are you crying?
Stickyle: That right, what happened to every wool? They not in your shop.
Jessica: Every wool in my shop is stolen, they stealing it!
Slush Kiki Heroes Team: What?!!!
Stick Kiki: Can you explain about who is the wool thief and why they want to steal every wool?
Jessica: Ok. *Explain about she was working hard in her wool shop and she was happy and she going to the garage for get more wool, but suddenly, the new enemies team called Blue Invaders Team name Overly Zealous Blues with his evil army name Fanatic Blues and they doing steal every wool and doing messing around her shop and they disappear in somewhere, when she return, she shock about her shop was messing and every wool got stealing and nothing left, she scream around her shop* Then that what happened, if I don't find every wool, I can't let everybody buying when the winter come sooner and they gonna get cold! Oh no, I don't want lose my jobs! *Continue crying*
Slush Kiki Heroes Team: Oh god, we get it now. *Feel sorry for her but nodded the head*
Stick Kiki: Don't worry, we will help you get every wool back to your shop and you can continue working your shop, then everybody not need to worry about the cold anymore and they can have the best warm ever.
Jessica: Wait, really?! *Get up after crying*
Stick Kiki: Yes, but one more thing before we go for doing the new mission to help you. I need you to close your shop and stay for watching to let everybody know about there is no wool left in your shop, then when we need someone help to carry your every wool back while we doing the new mission, you can open your shop again and when we return to your shop, you can ask us everything and we can answer, then you can help us too.
Violet: That right, I'm sure about we can save the world together like the best team too, even if there no more wool left, but when we get back to you, you can get back to your jobs again.
2 Slush Fighters: That right, cheer up and you be fine.
Jessica: Ok, if you guys say that, then I'm going to believe you guys! I will keep my shop safe and not let everybody know, until my shop will have every wool back!
Stick Kiki: Great, we are going to ours new mission now, make sure remember like i said while we left. *Turn as 2 Slush Fighters and Violet* Come on, guys. Let go find the secret place where the new Blues Invaders Team hiding in somewhere, if we see someone was came here again, we can help and let someone join with us to save the world with defeat the new enemies team together and return to her shop for make something special and we can enjoy ours new holiday in Paris, so let go.
2 Slush Fighters and Violet: Ok!!!
*They run from her shop and doing the new mission for get every wool back to the shop, Jessica wave as them for good luck and she look around, she came to the doors and close careful and put the "Close" sign and hope they're be ok*
Chapter 4:
*The team start investigate around Paris for searching every wool got stealing and they keep doing the new mission, Stedro see the Dimensions characters look similar and they look as each other but happy, he call to the team and they return and they surprise about they meet Steven Universe from Steven Universe World was here and happy, then they start talking*
Steven: Hey guys, good to see you guys!
Stick Kiki: Hi Steven, good to see you too, how are you?
Steven: I'm good and I'm doing chilling in there, but what are you guys doing in there?
Stickyle: We are searching the secret place of ours new enemies team hiding and every wool is stealing and we gonna get back.
Steven: Oh no, really? Can i help you guys? I'm sure about if i can help you guys, we can working together like the best team.
Stedro: Well, if you say that, you can join with us too.
Steven: Yay, thank you guys! Now we can start doing the new mission today!
Violet: But just 1 more problem is how we gonna find them?
Stedro: *Look as the ground and spot the Blue Paint, checking and figure out, turn as them* Guys, since they just dissappear, but i saw the Blues Paint drop in the ground and they go this way.
Steven: That great, but how we gonna carry all every wool back to the shop?
Stickyle: *Found the man and the truck near them, have a new idea* Don't worry, i got a idea.
*He run to the truck and talk with the man, he understand and call them, they run and they climb inside the truck, he start engine and he drive the truck from Paris to other place by followthe Blues Paint*
Chapter 5:
*Later, they're arrived in the abandoned factory and they climb down from the truck and tell him about stay here, he said ok and they going inside, they sneaking and hide to check and found every wool in every box and saw the first 5 Fanatic Blues guard, they thinking and Stick Kiki have a new idea, she tell them about her plan and they agree, Steven found the brick and throw as them, they dodge and curious about the brick, then the team show up and they ready to fight. The first 5 Fanatic Blues shock about they was appear and they charge the battle. The team doing Kung Fu Skill as them and beating down, but the first 5 Fanatic Blues get up and charge as them. The first Fanatic Blues charge as Stick Kiki and he going to punch, but she block his attack and she punch his face and uppercut his chin and kick his body and knock him to the wall. The second Fanatic Blues charge as Stedro and he going to kick him, but he grab his legs and punch him and throw to higher and he jump, he kick him and uppercut him and spin kick as him and knock him down and landing on the ground. Stickyle saw the third Fanatic Blues charge and he doing attack him, but Stickyle dodge and punch him and kick him with spin kick him and doing Kung Fu Skill as him. Violet fight again the fourth Fanatic Blues and she kick him and spin kick him and then punch his face and knock him down. Steven saw the fifth Fanatic Blues and he going to punch him, but he dodge and uppercut his chin and punch his head and kick him and knock him down. The first 5 Fanatic Blues got defeat and the man come inside to ask about can he help them, Stick Kiki tell them about help him carry every box have every wool to the truck and tell him about take every wool return to the shop and tell the owner about they got back, he agree and they decide to help him carry with put every box have every wool inside the truck, they working faster and until they check about no more every box and he going inside the truck and drive away back to Paris. They complete the new mission, but suddenly Overly Zealous Blues with other Fanatic Blues Army was show up and he shock about every box have every wool they stealing is gone, they know about the real wool thief and they anger as them, he saw the truck and going to chase, but Stickyle use fireball to block him, he turn as them and he ask them about why he do that, he explain about his evil plan and then he tell them about if they want to defeat him, they must find his real weakness, Stick Kiki use her "Magic Enemies Real Weakness Spot Abilities" as him and she tell them about her new plan, they surprise but agree with her again, he shock but he roar and he command his other enemies army and other Fanatic Blues Army charge as them, they summon the power and charge as them*
Chapter 6:
*They fight again other Fanatic Blues Army by use the power. Stick Kiki use water power and splash them, Stedro use sound power and attack them, Stickyle use fire power and burn them, Violet use light power and shoot them, Steven use gem power and shoot them. Then they finish them by use "Slushers Kiki Heroes Element Attack" and shoot them together, other Fanatic Blues Army got defeat and he shock, they turn as him and he mad, he use his evil weapon name Blues Paintbrush and charge as them, they spawn the weapon and charge as him*
Chapter 7:
*They doing battle again Overly Zealous Blues. He charge as Stedro by drawing the Blue Lines as him, but he dodge and shoot the Blue Lines and shoot as in the top of his evil weapon, he got pain but charge as him. Stickyle saw Stedro got trouble and he charge and hit his back, Stedro thumb up and he smile, he charge as him and hit his head with his face and hit him harder. He fall into the ground and get up, Violet shoot the Light Arrow around him and he got pain more, he turn and going to attack her, but Steven block his evil attack by Gem Shield and hit his head again, then he grab his evil weapon away and Stick Kiki catch and smash his evil weapon and use water ball cleaning the Blues Paint, then she charge as him and slice him by use Ocean Trident, he got weak and not moving, they charge battle as him again. Stick Kiki use Ocean Trident and attack him, Stedro use 2 blaster gun and shoot his legs, Stickyle use bo staff and hit his both arms, Violet use Light Bow and shoot the Light Arrow as him, Steven use Gem Shield and block him with attack him. Then they finish him by use "Slushers Kiki Heroes Ultimate Combo", he got attack and then he defeat*
Chapter 8:
*After defeat Overly Zealous Blues and Fanatic Blues Army, they feel tired but still alive. They return the weapon and feeling something shaking, they notice about the abandoned garage going to falling soon and Stickyle grab Steven on him and they use Super Speed Abilities to escape from the abandoned garage to the far away, when they was away and they turn, the abandoned garage got crash down and dissappear, they relief and they start talking*
Stedro: Man, i can't believe they can do steal every wool and they was hiding in the abandoned garage.
Stickyle: Yeah, especially we almost got stuck in there if they going to attack us too.
Violet: But at least we finally get every wool back and i hope the shop owner will happy about they will get back to the jobs again.
Stick Kiki: Yeah. Ok guys, let go back to Paris and return to Jessica wool shop, I think she was happy about every wool back to her shop, then we can ask her and we can start making something special, when we completely ours new mission, we can having the dinner and then we can enjoy walking around Paris as ours new holiday too.
Violet: Are you sure about I can have time to make my special gift for Micheal?
Stick Kiki: Off course you can, like my promise, I will teach you and other amazing friends too.
Stedro and Stickyle: Wow, that sound good!!!
Steven: Wow, making the special gift by knitting the wool? Can I come too?
Stick Kiki: Sure, if you like to make something amazing, you can be fun with us too.
Steven: Great, I'm coming too!
Stick Kiki: Great, let moving, guys. Jessica gonna happy to see us too.
2 Slush Fighters, Violet and Steven: Yay!!!
*They use Super Speed Abilities again and run back to Paris*
Chapter 9:
*They're return in Paris and going back to Jessica Wool Shop, Jessica happy and wave as them*
Jessica: Guys, every wool is back to my shop and i was so happy, i can get back to my jobs again, thank you guys so much, Slush Kiki Heroes Team!
Slush Kiki Heroes Team: You're welcome, that what the heroes can do!!!
Jessica: So like my promise, I'm going to help you guys, do you guys need anything?
Violet: Yes, do you have any perfect wool? I want to make something special for my boyfriend.
Jessica: You have a boyfriend?
Stickyle: Oh that right, ours team member and the girl from other team was marries and i think she want to make her special gift for him.
Stick Kiki: And I'm going to teach them the knitting lesson and making for fun too.
Jessica: Oh now I get it! Come inside, I will help you guys anything you guys like, so you guys can making together too!
Stick Kiki: That great, come on, guys. Let go inside and doing the knitting lesson today.
2 Slush Fighters, Violet and Steven: Ok!!!
*They going inside and sit down as the chair, Jessica take all the wool from the closet and put in the bucket, she run to the living room and put as the table, they take the 2 knitting needle with the wool, Stick Kiki teach them the knitting lesson and they start knitting the wool, they working hard together but slowly and calm, they keep knitting and Jessica enjoy watching them in her shop*
Chapter 10:
*After the knitting lesson, they finally finish and they have the best scarf and they turn with surprise to see Stick Kiki make anything amazing by the wool and the scarf too, then they get up and cleaning, they give every wool stuff to Jessica and she put in every bag, give to them, they leave her shop but wave as each other, then she get back to her shop and continue working again*
*They're enjoy walking around Paris and feel happy*
Stedro: That was fun, especially we was knitting together and we have every wool stuff too.
Stickyle: Especially we working together like the best team too, thank for teach us the knitting lesson, Kiki. You're the amazing friends ever.
Stick Kiki: You guys welcome, I'm glad to help you guys and we working together like the best team.
Violet: I can't wait to give my special gift to Micheal.
Stick Kiki: *Have a new idea* I know how to get Michael came here, I be right back.
*Stick Kiki summon her portal gate and run through, they curious but waiting for her*
*Meanwhile, Stick Kiki return and bring Stick Michael with her, they surprise but happy as each other*
Stick Michael: I'm hear Kiki call me to came here, what it is?
Stickyle: Hi Michael, Violet was making something special and she want to give her special gift for you.
Stedro: That right. *Push Violet near Stick Michael* Violet, I think is time to give him your special gift, you working hard today and I'm sure about he gonna like this.
Violet: Oh ok. *Came near as Stick Michael* I want to give you something special. *Take off from the bag and wear the light green scarf to his neck, stay back* Because this is ours first wedding anniversary and you're my amazing boyfriend, so I want to give my special gift to you and I hope you like it.
Stick Michael: Wow, that was the beautiful and sweet scarf I ever seen, especially my favorite colors too. *Came near as Violet and kiss her head* Thank you for the special gift, I love it. I'm going to wear in the winter and in the spring on everytime.
Violet: Oh you're welcome, Michael! I'm glad you like it and they help me, but Kiki was help me too.
Stick Michael: Thank you guys for doing together with Violet, guys. And thank you for help her too, Kiki.
3 Slush Fighters and Steven: You're welcome, Michael!!!
Stick Kiki: Come on, guys. Let enjoy walking around Paris and then return to ours base, I'm going to cooking the new dinner and you guys can help me too.
3 Slush Fighters, Violet and Steven: Yay! That sound good!!!
*They enjoy walking around Paris and they have the best day ever. Thank to Stick Kiki help with the 2 Slush Fighters and Steven join the new fun, Violet happy about she was finally can make the special gift and Stick Michael like the light green scarf knitting by his girlfriend, they keep enjoy watching around Paris and until they return to Slush Kiki Team Base and Stick Kiki start cooking new dinner with the team help her, Violet and Stick Michael have the wonderful time together and Steven was really fun too. Slush Kiki Team, Slush Heroes Team, Heroes Allies Team and everybody new amazing adventure still continue*

Slush Kiki Team And The Amazing Friends Series Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now