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Timeskip ahead to where Kira, Scarlett, Akio, and Zain after months of training were ready to walk aside from each other as they meet between heaven and hell, "Wait... Before we head in are you sure it's safe??" Kira said as she stopped in her tracks looking at both Zain and Scarlett. "Your right.. We can't be gone for so long and not expect anything waiting for us. We need a different approach." Zain's eyes scanned around the area taking in sight before they gestured for everyone to follow them as they obeyed following the person.

Meanwhile Cupid after telling Tamashini the rest of the Angels either ignored or didn't believe Cupid about what happened between Yuta and her. Tamashini gave her a small nod before leading Cupid into his small hidden lab. "What is this place," Desiree said as she looked at everything in sight, She saw test tubes, scattered paper that looked like some sort of crossed-out experiments, and missing Angel flyers.

Tamashini then pointed to a large metal door gesturing for Desire to follow him as she did entering the room. She walked in as she was met with a boy in a glass tank as he floated casually sleeping as she ran up to the glass. "Is he... dead?" She turned back to Tamashini who simply shook his head.

"He's sleeping, He does it quite a lot." Desire sighed in relief before looking back at the boy, Her eyes caught his torn and shredded-up clothes and appearance. "Wait... I know that uniform. Isn't he that one strong garden angel that went missing a couple of decades ago?"

Tamashini raised a brow as he was confused barely finding out about said boy. As he tapped on the glass Sean opened his eye. He floated around as he swam back staring at the new girl "Who is this..?" He said as he examined Desire. She smiled softly looking at the boy as she held out her hand placing it on the cold glass,

"Don't be startled. She's come to help." Tamashini said as they both looked at each other's appearances. "Sean right..? You went missing a while back.." Desire said with concern in her voice. "Do you know anything about what happened and who did this to you?"

Desire said pointing at the boy's opened wounds as he also looked down at his body. "It's all a blur." He said as a tear fell from his face" Tamashini nodded as he looked back at desire. "Do you have any other information about him" Desire paused him as she placed a finger over his lips. "Why are you keeping him contained like this... He looks so miserable..."

Tamashini nods again. "I've been working on finding why some of the Angels go missing. Not because they died but they are, Killed." Desire looks at him confused about what he means before she gets it, The missing flyers and charts were too many faces of previous soldiers and other people. "Yuta has a violent side.. She almost strangeld me."

Desire said as Tamashini froze now upset as he sighs before looking at Sean as he opens the tank. "Yuta did this to you..? Didn't she?" He says sternly wanting an answer out of Sean. "Yuta.. Master Yuta." Sean said softly as he nodded. "She's the one who attacked me that night."

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