Part 2

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Darkbox , Tara and Bonniefan are in the forest testing their powers , "Ok Tara watch and learn" Darkbox says , Darkbox shoots his hand gun at the target on the tree completely blowing it to pieces , all burnt , Tara is shocked "whoa" Tara said ,

"cool huh" Darkbox says ,

"he's just showing off" Bonniefan said , Darkbox rolls his eyes ,

"whatever" he says , then Bonniefan throws his hat shattering the target then he shoots a Fireball , destroying another one ,

"you're turn" Bonniefan said , Tara smiles , Tara focuses and she lifts a rock and throws it at the target shattering it ,then she blasts a lightning ball at another target Bonniefan and Darkbox are shocked ,

"whoa" Bonniefan said ,

"awesome" Darkbox said with a chuckle ,

"what else can you do" Bonniefan asked ,

"think of a number" Tara asked , * 'hmm number uh 6' ,

"you thought 6" Tara said , Bonniefan's jaw drops to the floor in shock ,

"she read your mind?" Darkbox ased Bonniefan picks up his jaw and puts it back ,

"yes" Bonniefan replied ,

"I have Telepathy as well" Tara said ,

"really" Darkbox asked ,  Tara goes into Darkbox's mind and shows him the sights of the place through her eyes , then she gets out of his mind , "wow" Darkbox said , "what happened" Bonniefan asked , "she showed me the village through her point of view , it looked interesting" Darkbox said , "Can you show me" Bonnie fan asked , "sure" Tara replied she goes into Bonniefan's mind and shows him the same thing she showed Darkbox then she gets out of his mind , "you're right it does look interesting" Bonniefan says , "nice Job Tara , you're abilities are impressive" Darkbox says , "ooh 'Impressive' , that's very rare to get out of Darkbox" Bonniefan said Tara looks to him then to Darkbox he rolls his eyes "whatever" he says , "Let's head back" Bonniefan says , Bonniefan Darkbox and Tara head back to the village , Eth and Kadi are at the Fazburgers place Darkbox said to head there to meet with them , "so how did it go" Eth asked , "great , Tara has some quite extraordinary abilities" Bonnie fan said , "and Darkbox said they were impressive" he continues , "really , that's a first" Kadi said , Eth chuckles , "so what can you do , Tara" Eth asked , "well I have Telepathy , Telekinesis and I can read minds" Tara replied , "oh You're powers are more mental than ours" Eth said , "wait what" Tara asked , "Our Powers are physical we have physical attacks and powers , while you have Mental attacks you can still do Physical harm but you can do Mental as well , I've never seen powers like yours before" Darkbox explained , "really" Tara asked , "yeah , I never seen powers like that either" Bonniefan said , Then Tara suddenly feels faint Her head starts to hurt , her vision becomes blurry , "Tara , you good" Bonniefan asked , "I don't feel so good" Tara said , "Tara" Eth asked , Then Tara drops to the ground her head slightly back , her hands and legs slightly twitching "Tara!" Kadi exclaimed , "I'll go get Springbonnie!" Darkbox said , "hurry" Eth said Darkbox flies off ,
Springbonnie is in the office  place , Darkbox barges in , "Whoa Darkbox what's wrong with you" Springbonnie asked ,  "Come quick it's Tara she.. there is something wrong" Darkbox exclaimed , "What" Spring Bonnie asked , "Come on , hurry!" Darkbox exclaimed He leads Springbonnie to the others at Fazburgers , "What's going on" Springbonnie asked running to the group , "she just dropped and started having a Seizure" Eth replied , "Bonniefan get something soft a pillow anything" Springbonnie said , Bonniefan gets up and finds a pillow , he brings it straight back , And puts it under Tara's head Then it stops Springbonnie turns Tara onto her side , "Tara if you can hear us we are right here okay" Kadi said rubbing Tara's arm comfortingly , "yeah we're not leaving you're side" Bonniefan added , Then Tara's eyes slowly open , She looks around , "Tara , can you hear me" Bonniefan asked , "Bonniefan" Tara asked , "yeah it's me" Bonniefan said "we're all here" Kadi said , "Kadi" Tara asked Kadi smiles "Hi" Kadi said , "Do you think you can stand up" Darkbox asked  , "Uhm yeah" Tara said , Bonniefan and Springbonnie hold Tara's arms and help her up , she stumbles Kadi grabs Tara's waist to keep her up , "it's okay, we got you" Springbonnie said , Tara smiles , the group walk Tara to her house , "what happened is she okay" Mangle asked walking to the group Toy Chica , Freddy and Foxy in tow , "she is now we are just bringing her to her house" Bonnie fan said , the group get to the house and lay Tara on her bed , "rest up Tara you need it" Springbonnie said , "okay" Tara said , everyone walks out the house and Tara drifts to sleep , she has a dream blurry looking things with hair on their heads are standing in front of Tara "hello Tara" the one on the right says , "Hi" Tara says , "we miss you" the one on the left says , then it's like she pops out of the dream and into another in a split second , she sees a Black bear with red eyes and teeth , and a black rabbit with white glowing eyes they feel wrong and evil , then Tara wakes up , she looks around , she gets up and walks out her house , she finds Bonniefan with Eth and Springbonnie at Fazburgers , "hey guys" Tara said , the boys look to her , "hey how are you feeling" Springbonnie asked , "I feel better , I wanted to tell you when I had that seizure I feel like i had a vision or dream of some sorts , "what was it" Eth asked , "I saw a Black bear with a Black Bunny , they felt so wrong and evil , then I saw them in my dream , "you saw Nightmare and shadow Bonnie" Eth said , "you know them" Tara asked , "yeah we fought them before they almost took over but we defeated them" Bonniefan replied , "and I saw these weird things they had hair on their heads , like BB but not robotic and probably with actual fingers" Tara said , "interesting" Springbonnie says , "how about we get a snack" Bonniefan says trying to lighten the mood , Tara perks up "yeah" she says , Tara looks at the menu , and sees Bonnie blueberry chips , "ooh Blueberry I like those" Tara said , "you want the Bonnie blueberry chips" Springbonnie asked , "yes please" Tara said her tail wagging a little , Bonniefan gets the lemon bar , and Springbonnie gets the foxy strawberry bar , the group sit at a table , Darkbox and Kadi walk into the restaurant "hey guys" Eth said waving Darkbox and Kadi walk to the table , "Hi Tara how are you feeling" Kadi asked , "I feel good" Tara asked opening her bag of chips and eating one , it tastes good , Tara smiles , "that's good we were worried" Darkbox said Tara smiles , "thanks" she says , Darkbox and Kadi sit down at a table , they order Chocolate Faz chips.

*the next day*

Tara wakes up in her house and gets up and brushes her teeth , seems to be a natraul reflex , and then she steps out of her house and goes to Fazburgers Freddy , Bonnie , Kadi , Bonniefan , Chica Foxy , Darkbox and Eth are their so are the toys , "hey guys" Tara said , "hey Tara , wow you must have been tired" Eth said , "what do you mean" Tara asked , "It's all most 11:00" Darkbox replies , "oh really" Tara asked , Darkbox nods , "Come sit" Kadi said , Tara sits down with the group , Bonnie fan looks to Tara who is next to him , "did you have any dreams last night" Bonniefan asked , "Yeah it was about those things and I saw Nightmare and that shadow creature again" Tara said Eth and Darkbox look at eachother then back to Tara , "What happened" Kadi asked , "Nightmare and that shadow were talking about dimensions and causing a shatter" Tara replied , "that's not good" Bonniefan said , "and the BB things we're talking to me" Tara said "What did they say" Darkbox asked , "I don't know it wasn't that clear" Tara said , then a crackle is heard outside , everyone looks to the door leading outside , "What was that" Freddy asked , Everyone runs outside , There is a Dark Shadow Bunny , "That's him" Tara said , Bonniefan And Darkbox look to her Then to the Bunny , "Nightmare shall rule the dimensions" the bunny says , then he flies off , "Oh no you don't!" Darkbox exclaimed he launches into the air after the shadow Bonnie , he shoots at the bunny it hits him , the Shadow Bunny punches Darkbox sending him falling back down the bunny makes a portal and goes through it , "Darkbox!" Bonniefan exclaimed , Tara puts out her hands and focuses Darkbox stops falling and is slowly carried back down to the ground , Tara strains , Darkbox is heavy for her , Eth looks to Tara then to Darkbox , Tara puts Darkbox down gently , Tara breathes heavy , tired "thanks Tara" Darkbox says , Tara smiles , "that's him that's the Bunny that was in your dreams" Kadi asked , "yeah" Tara replied , "we need to go after him" Bonniefan said , "How" Eth asked , "well I have been working on a portal gun and if I can get the coordinates then we can track him" Bonniefan explained , "good Idea" Eth said , Bonniefan , Tara , Kadi , Eth and Darkbox go to the lab , Bonniefan gets on his computer and searches the most recent portal use , and there it is , the Shadow Bunnies portal use a minute ago , Bonniefan puts the coordinates in his portal gun and shoots it a portal appears and the group go through it.

Five nights at Eth's world + O.C (TaraOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora