Chapter 1 (morning)

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Hey guys sorry for the wait, i've been in somewhat busy with school and other stuff. But this is my new story and i might not do anymore stories after this. But enjoy this chapter


Author Pov:

'Today is another day....' She thought. She decided to get out from her bed and walked where her boyfriend was Kenji. She walked to his room just to see him sleeping. 'He looks so cute when he is sleeping' Thought Ruth once again. She gently pushed him to wake him up. "Baby wake up its time for school" Ruth said and kissed his cheek to wake up even more which it did actually work. He usually don't really wake up when he get kissed by his girlfriend, but he gets more sleepy instead. But instead he got up and walked down to the kitchen with Ruth. Ruth made toast and bacon. While Kenji was doing the old dishes from yesterday dinner. "It smells so good Ruth" Kenji said and gave her a peck on the cheek which made her laugh a bit while doing breakfast for both of them. After she was done she put half of the food on the plate for him and her. They began to eat their breakfast and chit chatting. They decided to put on the TV so it wouldn't be so bored for them. After dinner Ruth and Kenji did the dishes together it kinda made their relationship stronger than before. After the dishes they walked to their own room to change. She put on jeans and a sweatshirt. She did her makeup, her hair and went to the bathroom to brush her teeth. Kenji did the same thing as Ruth just his style it fashion only. He is wearing Black baggy Jeans with holes on it with a black hoodie on with a T-shirt.

They walked together while holding hands talking about life is to them. They are known to the couple in their school for how much they love each other and they would protect each other from danger. Mostly Kenji, but Ruth wants to he strong as him or even stronger so she could protect him from any danger. Once they got to school(high school) they also have a llocker who are together, Kenji had the top locker while Ruth had the bottom locker, and of course they are happy about it. Who wouldn't resist it when your partner.


And yes this is the end of this chapter. I know this is short, but I will try to more later on. But hope you guys enjoyed this first chapter. Cya.

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