When we first met (Rewritten)

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Third person pov:

Ms. Marvel sitting on the edge of a building her legs dangling.

Ms.Marvel's pov:

"Why is life so complicated," I whispered to myself staring out at all the brilliant lights of Jersey City.

"Well as for me I say it has to do with your perspective," a voice whispered a bit softer than me. I jumped almost tipping off the edge of the building.

" Oh no, I am so sorry chicken told me I appeared out of no where often scaring those in my wake," the voice said a hint of sadness creeping into her voice.

"Oh its fine no worries but can I ask who you are," I state raising my eye brow questioningly at the shadow.

"Oh, why of course" the shadow jumps down to meet me. I stare in awe as a girl a few inches shorter than me with a head made of slime. " I am-" I cut her off " DEFIANT SLIME," I yelled excitedly

" Uh-huh and your Ms.Marvel," she said equally excited but in a quieter tone. " You're my favorite super hero," she says hiding her now red slime face. " I always looked up to you as someone who despite your age and what others said you still proved your strength and your kind nature," she said face still bright red from embarrassment. " Thanks, but you are quite amazing yourself using your resources to your advantage," I managed to say in one breath somehow. "Th-thank you," she managed to stutter out. It made me chuckle thinking about the first time I met Carol. We talked for hours about the ups and downs of hero life. "Oh shoot," she said "I am so sorry but I need to go so I get some sort of sleep," she stated starting to turn around. I chuckled since I have stayed about two hours oast the end of my patrol."Wait," I said grabbing her arm feeling the softness of her sweatshirt," can I have your number?" I asked glancing down at her baby blue sneakers.

"Oh sure, if we get close enough maybe I'll reveal my identity," she joked, putting her number in my phone " You can call me Slimes, Slimey, or Capt."

" You can call me Ms.M," I said as she imported me into her Contacts. "Well how about we meet every other or every night," I stated, "Also where did the Capt. come from," I questioned.

"Oh well you see I play video games a lot and Capt. was usually part of my name but instead being spelled with a "K" so some people called me "Kapt" so it just sort of stuck I guess," she stated shrugging her shoulders. We said our goodbyes, I glanced towards her every now and again but she disappeared rather quickly.

Author's Notes:

Defiant Slime is a girl with pronouns of she/her. *This is not a ship* (comment on any ships you want to see) I will not explain about the Capt. part. (Yet)

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